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uranus_be_cold t1_j9x9db2 wrote

Okay, well, imagine calling a pregnant woman "four eyes".

I highly recommend you do not do that.


AWholeHalfAsh t1_j9xhh6c wrote

So if she wears glasses is it 6 eyes?


drowninginteger t1_j9xikub wrote

what if the baby needs glasses too?


69_RADI8 t1_j9y0ham wrote

What if it's twins?


DeMalgamnated t1_j9zk6yl wrote

let me just do the math.....



ok that's 4 carry the 2, minus x, divided by something equals i don't know maths.


the answer is some eyes plus more eyes.


oneplusetoipi t1_j9ym5vd wrote

A friend was pregnant with twin boys and she announced in a meeting she had more penises than anyone else in the meeting.


nomie_turtles t1_j9zzcxo wrote

they also might be growing a pair of balls definitely be careful


ringobob t1_j9ym064 wrote

Depends on the woman, and the day (or the hour, or the minute), but yeah, that's a low odds maneuver.


Swimming_Marsupial t1_j9vrr45 wrote

In school a guy once tried to tell me that women have more bones than men because they have two tit bones, and men only have one dick bone.


AkeemKaleeb t1_j9wiw90 wrote

I mean, they are clearly correct. Two is more than one /s


GewyNguyen t1_j9xrqmk wrote

Just imagine if the dick were a bone… jesus christ how uncomfortable it’s be. Every kick to the jewels would be a visit to the hospital and if you get that random boner good luck.


Swimming_Marsupial t1_j9xwn08 wrote

A lot of animals do have a penis bone, I wonder if it's prone to injury. Makes the eyes water just typing that.


jusbrowsinaroundlmao t1_j9zunr4 wrote

Deadass a 25 year old man I met on a dating app was CONVINCED that dicks had bones, I had to show him a google search of a skeleton to prove him wrong then he blocked me lmao

Dodged a bullet


GammaGoose85 t1_j9vpwif wrote

That's why instead of saying abortion we should just say she's going on a bone cleanse.


Le-Baus t1_j9xrh59 wrote

Maybe we should call it „getting deboned“ 🤣


DownwindLegday t1_j9vrfhb wrote

When I was a kid, I thought that men had one less rib than women because the making of Eve in the Bible.


mello-t t1_j9vt9rt wrote

This should be the defacto example that the entirety of the Bible is symbolic and should never be taken literally. Rib might actually mean dna, but the languages through time had no word for it.


Hiccupy t1_j9xbay2 wrote

My favorite theory is that God took Adam’s dick bone to make Eve. And that’s why humans don’t have a rod in their schlong anymore like most mammals do.


Grotto-man t1_j9w2i2d wrote

My biggest issue with the story is that even in a symbolical sense it doesn't make sense, since every human being starts out as a female embryo (kind of) and so you'd think that god would switch the roles in the Adam and Eve story to emphasize this incredible fact.


LayersOfMe t1_j9zuj36 wrote

Its just an alegory to say God create the woman for men and a missing part of him is in the woman so they should stay together to become a whole again.


Rayesafan t1_j9xb6yb wrote

I think that it was poetic imagery on the teamwork between husband and wife. (At his side. Not above or below, but side by side.)


CheekyBlind t1_j9xtlqa wrote

Man you just blew my worldview with your dna take


bigdrummy47 t1_j9y4glw wrote

I guess women have more dicks than men when they're pregnant w twin boys?


dragonglassdildo t1_j9wjkcd wrote

I was 100% sure this was going to end with "when they go out with me" or something along those lines.


taleo t1_j9xa3b4 wrote

How many bones do men have while they're pregnant? It must be hard to answer since it's so rare.


as12k t1_ja20av5 wrote

I guess people were not ready for this right now, sorry lol.


Pedantichrist t1_j9xkpr8 wrote

Exactly the same number as a pregnant woman has. Pregnancy is not different in men than in women.


1065357 t1_ja2q5do wrote

How is that possible? We are not carrying a child mate.


SB_Down_Under t1_j9xhn4d wrote

The average person has slightly more than 1 skeleton inside of them.


dk50489 t1_ja2536s wrote

Yeah just slightly, not some massive difference for real.


antonspb t1_ja2kx55 wrote

Sometimes such things just makes me feel so good lol, but look at the comments here people are making illogical joke about women need one extra bone to get pregnant, that's not even a bone.


TheFallenMessiah t1_j9xchsy wrote

Reminds me of the song "I hate every bone in your body but mine"


kuziapk t1_ja0f58b wrote

I guess mothers can't hate any bone of their children even if they are out.


[deleted] t1_j9xp9ac wrote



iykemega t1_ja2de11 wrote

I want to know what you have eaten today mate, give me that information lol.


mekdot83 t1_j9yhtwk wrote

You eat a lot of bones, bro?


arlondiluthel t1_j9vj00k wrote

Using a clever definition... Women have more bones inside their bodies than men during sex.


[deleted] t1_j9vjvb4 wrote



Oneamongthefence24 t1_j9y2cqx wrote

Yeah but men have a magical bone. They can turn one bone into a lot of bones.


Sea_Flounder9569 t1_ja495vs wrote

To be fair, have you ever looked at dental x-rays of kids before they start losing their teeth? It's straight out of a horror film. Those little $#!+$ have jaws like sharks. It's completely horrifying.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j9vimok wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


GundyrsFisting t1_j9wt6z4 wrote

You could have made this more interesting by not saying it like this but instead saying "on average women have more bones than men"


Demidog_Official t1_j9x0pgn wrote

Presumably women also have an additional bone inside when getting pregnant as well


keetae t1_ja14yx1 wrote

Why you guys are commenting this? At least use some science.


Ko-jo-te t1_j9y449m wrote

I read this as women have more bones than pregnant men. And even the half second it took my brain to correct this was a half second too much for my liking.


SingleSpeed27 t1_j9y4jwk wrote

Isn’t it also when they are not pregnant? Like they have one more bone at least


Colon t1_j9z95bp wrote



houtejun t1_ja0gykk wrote

Some people think we are not getting the joke but that's not true.


malkebulan t1_j9zyn5e wrote

Then how did they get pregnant?


kgoulden t1_ja2d0o8 wrote

They can get pregnant normally because penis got no bones haha.


nahidlink t1_ja0gvix wrote

Lol penis has no bones mate, so joke is not working here.


NoScienceJoke t1_ja04e4p wrote

Technically, the foetus is still OUTSIDE theirs mother's body


sonerik777 t1_ja208sw wrote

It makes me wonder what other differences there are between men and women's bodies that we haven't yet discovered. Thanks for sharing this fascinating tidbit


pleurtinmetassie t1_ja6p8lb wrote

Bone tissue in fetuses are hardly considered bones at that stage. They are more of a suggestion than anything.


HasBinVeryFride t1_ja90muw wrote

Where I live that is a figure of speech. Like I'm not really your "mate."


jusbrowsinaroundlmao t1_j9zuygr wrote

I would say that pregnant women have more brains than men, but that’s already true for women who aren’t pregnant so


3KingsLTC t1_ja0bs2i wrote

Well that's the only time a woman gotta have more brains.


rufio824 t1_j9vl7l0 wrote

Yes but men wake up with one more bone than women every morning


tnovak55 t1_ja1tvjm wrote

Bruh there are no bones in penis, that's just straight muscle.


rufio824 t1_ja1tzrk wrote

Yes, you are correct. How could I be so foolish. Couldn't have been a joke or anything


HasBinVeryFride t1_j9vns9h wrote

While trying to get pregnant they have one more bone in them


dan_ltc t1_ja1gkuj wrote

How is that a bone? Do you even know human body mate?