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almightygarlicdoggo t1_j9weizg wrote

No. Binary is a mathematical concept that refers to 2 sets. Nothing is stopping you from creating a "true binary" system consisting of just 3 and 4, or even defining the state of a door (open/closed)


LordSnarfington t1_j9yjjkh wrote

So this may be semantics but couldn't you say a door is partly open? There seems to some non-binary choice involved.

Would open or not open work?


almightygarlicdoggo t1_j9ykc3t wrote

That depends on the problem domain, for example if you're flying in a commercial plane, do you care how much the door is opened, or whether it's opened/closed? The safety systems just check whether it's opened or not to raise an alarm, so for the safety systems, the door is a binary system


Ornac_The_Barbarian t1_j9whk6e wrote

I dunno. My light switch is pretty binary. It's either in an on state or an off state. I was gonna originally say lightbulb but then i realized it also has a broken state.


LordSnarfington t1_j9wb5ud wrote

I would say zero and not zero.

If you can just say one and ignore the infinite numbers between 0 and 1 then you can zero and 32 are binary as well cause its one or the other. Zero and non zero seems more accurate


AnotherSteveFromNZ t1_j9zlb1o wrote

You could also say Zorro and not zorro. (These is of course only one true zorro)


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j9wadxu wrote

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Xijannemb t1_ja0kkb6 wrote

A better way to say this would be things are either true, false, and/or continuously variable


pikknz OP t1_ja2fjti wrote

That is nothing to do with my post.