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r1ng_0 t1_ja4xky5 wrote

Same day of the year. Day of the week is Monday, Tuesday, etc. and is absolutely not correct.

We used to celebrate Washington and Lincoln's birthdays separately. They are a week apart. It was changed to President's Day on a Monday to make it easier for the government to grant it as a federal holiday.

I frankly would prefer that we do that with Independence Day and New Year's Day. They should be Friday or Saturday so I can get some sleep before work on Monday without fireworks going off at all hours of the day, night, and early morning.


Reefer-eyed_Beans t1_ja55o6l wrote

They def don't occur on the same day of the year lmao. Wtf are you smoking?

One is in July and the other's in October. "Day of the week" is indeed correct--where are you getting this confidence to say it's "absolutely not correct"..?? This year they're both on Tuesday.


mkculs t1_ja56zfx wrote

I’m thinking this means they have a multiple of 7 between them, then. 17, to be exact. So 119 days between them, guaranteeing they’ll always fall on the same weekday.


r1ng_0 t1_ja56wy8 wrote

Well, shit. I forgot about leap years. Without that, July 4th would always be the 185th day of the year.

I think my biggest issue was that this post clarifies the wording on a previous post by stating it in an even more obtuse manner.
