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4chanbetter t1_je8nm2p wrote

Considering the only thing that eggs have in common with meat at this stage is protein, by this logic then I'm sure OP would think beans are meat, and peanut butter is meat, but in reality the embryo hasnt developed enough to become meat.


jazzdrums1979 t1_jeawitg wrote

Actually, eggs and meat share quite as similar nutrition profile. Both are a good source of fat and protein they have an equal ratio of both, along with iron, B6, potassium, and other essential nutrients.


pzzia02 t1_je8pyd8 wrote

I myself was thinking that like isnt the "egg" technically just the embryos food source for the next month


Nixbling t1_je9z3uj wrote

Except for the fact that beans don’t grow into meat, and neither do peanuts. Even if it’s an unfertilized egg, it’s still animal matter and not plant matter