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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jcw5wel wrote

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Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

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waffles-n-gravy t1_jcw61ly wrote



LazloDaLlama t1_jcwcr27 wrote

My guess would be because the rain is out of our control. But we could get up and turn off that leaky faucet, but are too comfy to do so, and as a result begrudgingly try to ignore it.


Donequis t1_jcwlbdu wrote

Rain is better because it's a fuller more static sound. Easy to tune out.

Drips suck because they are sudden repetitive sharp sound. VERY hard to tune out.


IHateMath14 t1_jcwlwre wrote

I can go to bed easily with a violent storm outside. It’s soothing mostly but some lightning booms can jump scare me occasionally.


Wynndee t1_jcwo0os wrote

Because it just ... one ... fucking ...drop at a time, maddening!!


maictay t1_jcwswsb wrote

Oh man. I can’t wait for nights where it’s raining and my windows open listening to it. I love a summer rainstorm.


PhantomKangaroo91 t1_jcx3nfr wrote

It's the antici.....pation of the drips that keeps you annoyed and awake. The randomness of rain is relaxing because it is constant


Malt_9 t1_jcx7zun wrote

Well get used to it baby! Water, she drips. *DRIP DRIP.....DRIP.dRRRRRIP ...DRIP....DRIP DRIPDRIP*


ThanosWifeAkima-4848 t1_jcx9gxz wrote

that's because water dripping it a singular repetitive noise that is hard to ignore when it's solitary and never ending. Rainfall sort of morphs into relaxing white noise or just amplifies sounds of nature.


ArseBurner t1_jcxnlvd wrote

Same thing with voices. One people talking in a room and you can't help but to hear what is being said. But a full classroom or coffee shop of people talking and it's all just white noise.