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shadowscale1229 t1_je1m6c0 wrote

being put here for a reason implies a higher power. humanity does not exist for any reason other than we evolved from other hominids and became smart enough to make fire, and then used fire to make better things.

so yeah, we don't exist for any reason. however, we make our own personal reason to exist.

mine is spite


crazy_gurl1001 t1_je1mmh4 wrote

It absolutely does not indicate that there’s a higher power. I personally do not believe in that, but I do believe in the universe and everything happens for a reason. We were put here to live and love. I’m sorry you don’t see that, and also you saying we make our own reasons kinda dictates what you’re saying lol. We definitely are here for reasons, you just have to find yours:)


shadowscale1229 t1_je1nc3f wrote

no, what we're getting at is the universe (and by extension Earth) doesn't give a shit that we exist. that's what we mean by no reason. if you really want a reason, chaos is the reason we exist. a series of events that lead to the creation of intelligent life on earth, just chaos.

god dammit now all i can think of is 40k and literally worshipping chaos lmao. blood for the blood gods and all that jazz


crazy_gurl1001 t1_je1nmwt wrote

God, The universe does gaf about us crazy enough, I mean it made us didn’t it. You have a purpose wether u like it or not. And life is going exactly how it’s meant. I completely understand and respect your opinion but everything happens for a reason