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Nanohaystack t1_jec40d3 wrote

Where I live (Toronto area, Canada), public transport ain't all that much cheaper than car. I would pay about the same amount in train rides as monthly car payments a few years back when going to office all the time.


wfezzari OP t1_jecnyy4 wrote

But the car also requires insurance payments, annual registration, annual safety inspection (most places), oil changes and tire rotations, annual wiper blade replacement, and ongoing fuel costs. Then there are the periodic maintenance requirements like new tires, brake pads and rotors, and struts/shocks. In Toronto and other northern locales it would also be wise to occasionally wash the undercarriage to prevent salt corrosion.


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ALLONEWORDINCAPS t1_jec8msk wrote

Not to mention people with disabilities that mean they cannot drive.


Demaio54 t1_jec45uf wrote

Except that the poor reside proportionally in urban areas with public transportation


JejuneRacoon t1_jec668n wrote

Lmao you think public transportation is good? Or cheap?


reyarama t1_jecdcss wrote

I think you’ll find getting a bus is quite a bit cheaper than buying a car


Demaio54 t1_jec77yh wrote

I take it every day, and while it’s not cheap it’s effective… nothing is cheap The cost of living obviously makes up a larger % of income when income is lower That isn’t rocket science

Shower thought ‘Milk is a tax that disproportionately penalizes the poor’


xdaemonisx t1_jec8vwi wrote

It’s the cheaper option (at least, around where I am) when you factor in things for a car like maintenance, gas, and insurance. I think on average I spend about $200 a month on my car (that I own) whereas public transportation is like $60 for an unlimited monthly pass. Having a car is a huge convenience, though.


waterbuffalo750 t1_jec84qr wrote

No it doesn't. A car for a poor person can be as cheap as $1000 or so. A rich person will pay much, much more. And $80,000 Tahoe isn't uncommon.
