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mtthwas t1_je7vy9n wrote

Not the things that happened on the other side of the earth from the moon...or inside under roofs.


Summoarpleaz t1_je86afa wrote

Mysterious as the dark side of…. The EAAARRRTTHHH


SIMPSONBORT t1_je7wuc2 wrote

Good point. The moon would only be caught up every 12 hours. It’s like a tv show. Easy to catch up.


339jimmyr t1_je7swf9 wrote

Get back in the shower and rethink why you felt the need to add “/womankind”


SnarkyBear53 t1_je86ay1 wrote

and completely leave out /animalkind and /plantkind. They are living on this planet too, you know!


SIMPSONBORT t1_je7wz0z wrote

I thought because just mankind I’d have someone else say “ hey why didn’t u say womankind “

Seems like Better to say it then not I guess ?


kirjavva t1_je7xcye wrote

Well, mankind already refers to Homo sapiens, but sure, there's always someone to take the "man" out of it...


The_Quibbler t1_je852i9 wrote

The etymological root of "woman" is wife of man, so tripping over ourselves in the name of sensitivity isn't really accomplishing anything here. See also: person.

I quibble.


Megalocerus t1_je803r0 wrote

But it was closer when there were dinosaurs. It had a better view!


khamelean t1_je86ka5 wrote

Mankind: human beings considered collectively; the human race:

It’s perfectly acceptable to use “mankind” to refer all humans.


mortimus9 t1_je8ejpi wrote

Okay but why is it a problem to use womankind?


khamelean t1_je8p1rg wrote

Though the may sound similar, they have different etymology and different meaning.


Upper_Initial7918 t1_je8c6ma wrote

The meaning of mankind: "human beings considered collectively; the human race."

Anyone who argues against it, feminist or not, is an idiot.


attathathappaend t1_jegr5wh wrote

The word ‘man’ can be used for all humans, which is why we have words like mankind and not womankind


HamzaShaikh1407 t1_je85sjq wrote

The things that happen during daytime are not seen by the moon.


PlanetLandon t1_je8adkl wrote

There are many bright sunny days where you can still see the moon in the sky


Olorin_Ever-Young t1_je8dg24 wrote

... Yes. But...... So you think the moon just constantly stays in one position indefinitely? And that that somehow simultaneously makes it omnipresent?

LMAO, true or not, I really enjoyed this shower post.


ftminsc t1_je818dk wrote

If terrestrial bodies can see then I reckon the earth has seen more of what’s happened to us than the moon?


SIMPSONBORT t1_je82c7m wrote

We’d be out of focus for the earth. We’re too close to the surface. The moon has good perspective.


tsunami141 t1_je85rxq wrote

Moon out there being 2 Jupiter diameters away peering through its moonocle like, “heh? What’s going on over there”


ftminsc t1_je85yw9 wrote

Okay, that checks out. I always have trouble seeing things that are a few feet away but when they're 238,900 miles away it's like it's in 4K.


wanna-be-dead t1_je889yx wrote

That is just false, you literally could fit all of the planets of the solar system in the space between the earth and the moon. We are not close.


bigjonny13 t1_je84t6a wrote

We all know the moon isn't made of green cheese, but what if it was made of BBQ spare ribs?

Would you eat it then?


the-silver-tuna t1_je8agew wrote

Heck I'm curious like a cat. I have a couple of friends that call me whiskers.


kirjavva t1_je7x5xb wrote

If the moon "saw" a lot, imagine what the sun did in 4 billions of years.


bigedthebad t1_je81nl5 wrote

I don't think the moon has eyes or cares about anything we do. It also can only see one side, half the world is hidden from it at all times so half of human history is hidden as well.


Olorin_Ever-Young t1_je8d29y wrote

The hell planet are you living on that the moon's constantly in your presence? What sorta Majora's Mask faffery is this?


SIMPSONBORT t1_je9hrsh wrote

The moon in majora’s mask used to freak the hell. outa me. What a great game.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_je7slei wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


Megalocerus t1_je7zxam wrote

Frequently, it is on the other side of the Earth, so people can do stuff in privacy.


YouMakeMeDrink t1_je84gv6 wrote

First of all, the moon doesn’t “see” anything. Second, it isn’t even visible at all times of the day in every area of the world, so if it could see, then there are still things happening on the other side of the world that is couldn’t “see”. Third, it can’t “see” what I’m doing when I’m in my house. Fourth, how fucking high are you right now? Fifth, don’t smoke in the shower.


Upper_Initial7918 t1_je8cjqt wrote

I feel like this obvious post was only made to convey the word "Womankind"


SIMPSONBORT t1_je9hpge wrote

Nah. Just thought it was interesting. But guess not. Lol


marcosrmguerra t1_je8rw29 wrote

Just replace "mankind/womankind" with humanity. Don't make your phrases sound stupid.


SpartaGoose t1_je96k31 wrote

There is a secret alien base on the moon from which they are observing us like in a zoo


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jefyqqk wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.