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izza123 t1_jdfnjng wrote

If we didn’t have free will we would always react in the same way to the same stimuli. But as it is we can choose to react in different ways even when subjected to the exact same stimulus.


Traditionalmonkey t1_jdfnuih wrote

But i can do something without a stimuli. Lets say i am completely deaf, blind and floating in an emty space. I can still move my arm


izza123 t1_jdfnzun wrote

Exactly, that just further demonstrates your free will. You don’t need any stimulus at all you can just generate a decision.


Traditionalmonkey t1_jdfo4h3 wrote

But what creates the impulse


RedditAlt999 t1_jdhoouq wrote

Your mind? I really don't get what you aren't understanding. Is it the physical aspects or how a neuron works or the psychological definition of what a mind is?


[deleted] OP t1_jdfshgw wrote



izza123 t1_jdfsohl wrote

What the hell does it have to do with fear? Lol it’s the only alternative. If we didn’t have free will we would be solely reacting to stimuli without choice as to how we react.

I feel like maybe you’re really confused about what I’m saying or just bizarrely hostile for no reason lol


[deleted] OP t1_jdft4kc wrote



one_shattered_ego t1_jdgqcau wrote

I think you’re getting downvoted for the perceived tone of your comments (which admittedly comes off harsh), but what you’re getting at is spot on.


[deleted] OP t1_jdfu4og wrote



izza123 t1_jdfua42 wrote

Are you mentally ill? It’s been 3 minutes since you last responded to me. Did it even occur to you that I’m not sitting here, just waiting to instantly respond to you.