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PilzGalaxie t1_jecnax6 wrote

Bro got so high, that his thumbs got uncivilized. And I don't wanna burst a bubble, but there is absolutely nothing that separates us from animals.


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LUVSWIM t1_jebqu77 wrote

Isn’t that why it makes sense, the last part to evolve was thumbs in the hands so they’re generally useless


-yes-yes-yes-yes- t1_jecoc0r wrote

The hell you on about? Thumbs are the most useful finger on our hands, can you imagine using your phone without a thumb? or even something like gripping a ball, try holding a ball without using your thumb


-Alter-Reality- t1_jecvwwl wrote

Tell that to me as I scroll and type with my thumb, as the others just support my phone


TehOuchies t1_jecy274 wrote

And here I thought it was written language that separated us. The ability to record history, learn from it and progress.

But this guy is willing to get in a cage and thumb wrestle with a tiger.