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krypthammer OP t1_jeb38od wrote

By the way, what is your name supposed to even mean? It’s so STUPID, it makes me SICK

potato, Yeezy? Like Kanye? Just another mumble (c)rapper with 0 talent. Get a life.


potatoyeeze t1_jeb6equ wrote

LMFAO you are so mad baahahahahaha

It doesn’t mean anything. I just made it up. F

God, you reek of virginity hahahah, enjoy your incredibly stupid shower thought.


krypthammer OP t1_jeb70ze wrote

Ps…. I’m a virgin out of choice….. NOT BEVAUSE IM LONELY!!! If you don’t beleive me I’ll dm you a photo of my gf….. but I prob won’t bc then you’ll JERK OFF IT TOO!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!


krypthammer OP t1_jeb6u0m wrote

LOL! I’m actually laughing so hard rn…. At YOU! I hope you feel ANGRY AND DISTRAUGHT! HAHAHA! (That’s me laughing)

Get trolled bucko…. Sounds like someone got DESTROYED!

And guess what… I MADE IT ALL UP TOO! LOL! This is going on r/quit your bullshit RIGHT NOW. All of Reddit will be laughing at you soon….. you day has come fuckass……………


potatoyeeze t1_jeb8gcz wrote

All I gotta say is this is honestly pathetic. I know you think you’re doing something, but your post will die in new like all your other ones do.


krypthammer OP t1_jeb9a1s wrote

Your Acting as if I didn’t get 400 upvotes on r/Lithuania a few weeks ago…. LOL! I know your jealous ASF!!

Now let’s see how many upvotes your posts get….. OH YEAH….. ZERO!!!!!!!!!!

Know who your talking to BUD. I have 10,000 Reddit karma whilst you have 0 to none.


potatoyeeze t1_jebepwx wrote

I know you’re trying to troll at this point, but that’s not where you started. You either are a troll, or you aren’t. Having a pedantic outburst and then trying to cover it up as trolling is so obvious


APileOfShiit t1_jeczfu4 wrote

From a quick scan over your posts, you appear to be a teen (hopefully, because under 13 not allowed). Likely a little bullied shit who listens to metal because they believe it's cool, as opposed to due to it's artistic merit. Attacking another person because of their online name is cringe af as well and shows deep insecurities, which kinda fits into my "teenage twat" theory.

Love the comments, rip into me please.


krypthammer OP t1_jed2da6 wrote

I was trolling, Sorry for the let down. I love kanye