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krypthammer OP t1_jeb6u0m wrote

LOL! I’m actually laughing so hard rn…. At YOU! I hope you feel ANGRY AND DISTRAUGHT! HAHAHA! (That’s me laughing)

Get trolled bucko…. Sounds like someone got DESTROYED!

And guess what… I MADE IT ALL UP TOO! LOL! This is going on r/quit your bullshit RIGHT NOW. All of Reddit will be laughing at you soon….. you day has come fuckass……………


potatoyeeze t1_jeb8gcz wrote

All I gotta say is this is honestly pathetic. I know you think you’re doing something, but your post will die in new like all your other ones do.


krypthammer OP t1_jeb9a1s wrote

Your Acting as if I didn’t get 400 upvotes on r/Lithuania a few weeks ago…. LOL! I know your jealous ASF!!

Now let’s see how many upvotes your posts get….. OH YEAH….. ZERO!!!!!!!!!!

Know who your talking to BUD. I have 10,000 Reddit karma whilst you have 0 to none.


potatoyeeze t1_jebepwx wrote

I know you’re trying to troll at this point, but that’s not where you started. You either are a troll, or you aren’t. Having a pedantic outburst and then trying to cover it up as trolling is so obvious