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xFearful425 t1_jdz0kzw wrote

Bro was really in the shower said, “damn, you only see things when you see them.”


unneccry t1_jdz19ui wrote

Actually there were mutiple times i felt a hair on my tounge instead of seeing it. So no, not only the times i saw it, and unless i ate knafeh i dont think i miss many hairs


d2181 t1_jdz2ont wrote

You miss a lot of hairs. You have eaten many hairs about which you have been unaware.


unneccry t1_jdz6sgp wrote

I know some hairs might have been eaten but generally when i chew my food i notice most hairs


d2181 t1_je02fr2 wrote

Not trying to split hairs here, but that statement is inherently false.There's no way for you to know how many hairs you don't notice, and therefore no way that you can claim that the percentage of hairs you do notice equates to "most". For all you know, for every hair you do notice chewing there are 100 more that pass undetected.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jdz0d3c wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


GloomierDay t1_jdz2zla wrote

Yeah, and the only times I'm on Reddit is when I'm on Reddit.


_shower_feelings_ OP t1_jdz3c7h wrote

Its implying that there are many times you eat food and don't notice the hair. The only times you do notice is when you see it l. Maybe I worded it badly