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FuenteFOX t1_jco0pey wrote

Seems like everyone has that one dish, one restaurant, or one drink/liquor that they don't do anymore because of one really horrible experience.


SNRatio t1_jco2f21 wrote

And quite often they are associating their illness with the last thing they ate, which may be the wrong thing. Food poisoning symptoms can take over a week to develop:


RangeWilson t1_jcopta9 wrote

And sometimes it's completely obvious.

If I usually eat in and never get food poisoning, then I splurge and get takeout, then six hours later I'm puking my guts out... do you really think it's that sandwich I made myself a week ago that's causing the problem?


mekonsrevenge t1_jcps98y wrote

Yeah, it was tamales with me. I can't even look at them anymore and the smell is revolting. So no, it wasn't the rice or beer. It was the tamales, no question.


ledow t1_jcqyuqd wrote


A few times I've been ill and thought "Ah, it must have been..." and then realised that there was basically no time in which that could have taken effect - and re-eating that same meal had no effect.

I don't get ill often so it really sticks out in my mind and I try to find the cause and it's basically never attributable to food.

Part of that is because I cook everything "properly" (by which I mean, fuck your still-bloody steaks, if it hasn't changed colour all the way through it's going back on the heat) but also that I preserve my food well (freezing, refrigeration, keeping it sealed, etc.) and I avoid dodgy food (e.g. seafoods unless frozen and then well-cooked).

I have even once or twice taken to literally listing everything I'd eaten in the last few days, as far as memory will serve, and eliminating them as often I still have that food around... and I re-eat it and don't get a recurrence.

Sometimes it's nothing to do with your food, and sometimes people think it can't be anything to do with their food and it was from food from weeks ago.


GlazedSpam t1_jcobgut wrote

One time in middle school I was having waffles for breakfast and I dropped the plate onto a tile floor where it shattered into a million pieces. I quickly picked up the waffles and transferred them to another plate to eat after I cleaned up all the shards. Later that day in school I had this super intense intestinal pain that hasn't been equaled before or since, and I spent most of the school day curled in a ball on a bed in the office as it hurt less that way.

There was no vomiting or diarrhea at all which has me thinking I ingested small ceramic shards as the plate shattered into pieces ranging from the size of 1/5th a plate to barely thicker than a hair. Regardless it took me years before seeing or even thinking of waffles didn't make me feel sick.


markp88 t1_jcpq2dr wrote

A few weeks into living on my own for the first time, I dropped and smashed a jar of jam. Being excessively thrifty, I tried to recover as much of the jam as I could.

Given it was crunchier than before, and I had a sore throat afterwards, I conclude that this as not a great idea.


CSmith1986 t1_jco279k wrote



PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_jcpdilx wrote

I mean, any corporate shithole like that is best avoided.

Products are poor quality with suspect handling prior to getting to the restaurant. Restaurant staff are underpaid, understimulated, and abused, and probably have limited pride in their work because there’s no art to cooking corporate trash. And thus anyone with talent leaves and they’re stuck with the dregs, who tend to care less about food safety protocols etc.

Management are pressed to be as efficient as possible with products, so are more likely to serve things past their prime


lj062 t1_jcoz8yj wrote

Applewood smoked sausage is something I'll never touch again in my life because of food poisoning. Literally the worst night of my life.


aitchnyu t1_jcocwdt wrote

Yeah, I hate oily noodles thanks to some bad noodles I had in 2012. I was hallucinating my favourite dishes while my guts were twisting themselves clean. I also made a bad batch of rajma bean sprouts and my jaws sometimes refuses to close.


dontlookback76 t1_jcpa4wl wrote

Yep, I haven't eaten at a red lobster since 1994 because I got incredibly sick from it.


MurkDiesel t1_jcpc2ga wrote

yup, sweet and sour shrimp, got food poisoning twice from that same dish, from two different restaurants, in two different states

i haven't touched it or even thought about eating it again in the 25 years since


roxannetheweird t1_jcrpk90 wrote

White Castle (1995)and Everclear (2007) Ate White Castle before going to a fair. Went on the tilt a whirl. Never ate onions again. Drank Everclear at a house party and puked in the bathtub. Frank I’m so sorry.


FuenteFOX t1_jcrsntu wrote

At least you made it to the bathtub. I've seen puke in a lot worse places.


RxWest t1_jcpb0sm wrote

I've only had problems at poorly ran Italian restaurants

They all end up getting shut down by me within a year of me getting sick

Don't know why this is. Have never gotten sick from sushi/seafood restaurants. Never got sick from a steakhouse

Just Italian


Happened 3 times since we used to eat at a ton of different Italian restaurants growing up


Jimmy_Jazz_The_Spazz t1_jcpk6ua wrote

I got sick from sushi once and it was hell.


RxWest t1_jcqawgl wrote

I feel for you. I've gotten sick from sushi once, but it wasn't due to food poisoning

Me and my significant other got this "boat" of sushi she swore that she was able to finish once with her mother

Turns out, my gf only eats the crunchy, fried rolls. 70% of it was just slabs of raw fish

I don't know how much raw fish I had eaten that day, but the car ride was enough to make me throw it up when I got home. Not fun and indeed pretty painful


VigilanteXII t1_jcpbq57 wrote

Made some random meat dish a long time ago that happened to have anise in it. Bad times ensued. Pretty sure the meat was the issue, but for some reason my body decided to blame it all on the anise. Couldn't stomach even a whiff of that stuff for nearly a decade.


horkus1 t1_jcqhldl wrote

Yeah, for me it was the very famous sub sandwich place we all know. It’s been 12 years and i still can’t even stand to watch their commercials.

I did try—once—to walk into one just to get a drink. As soon as I crossed the threshold and smelled the bread, I turned around and practically ran back out. My entire body said, “Nope. Never again.”


J662b486h t1_jcpriec wrote

I had a strange experience with, of all things, Planter's Dry Roasted Peanuts (a common thing in the U.S.). I had bought a jar to munch on but a few hours after I'd had my first handful I got pretty bad diarrhea. I didn't associate it with the peanuts but a few days later when I had another handful the same thing happened. I still couldn't believe it was due to the peanuts, but I hadn't had anything else that day that was remotely unusual so I kind of laid off them for a couple weeks.

Then one night before bedtime I was really hurting for a snack and I just couldn't believe a jar of dry-roasted peanuts could really cause food poisoning so I had a couple more handfuls. Woke up in the middle of the night the sickest I've ever been - sat on the toilet for ten minutes, when I got up the room was spinning and I just wrapped myself in my bathrobe and curled up on the bathroom tile floor hoping either it would end or I would die. I thought I'd had food poisoning before but those were just a few bouts of diarrhea - I've never experienced something like this. So anyway yeah, I don't touch the dry roasted peanuts anymore.