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TimeTravelMishap t1_jedvja7 wrote

When I was a little kid I used to aim for this all the time and i really am not sure why? I would see people taking photos and I would try to time it so I casually walked behind them when he counted down.


somethingisaskew t1_jedvz9o wrote

I feel like photo bombing and crop dusting could be combined for the perfect childhood boy mischief activity.


damone78 t1_jefx9qe wrote

Don't forget to yawn before the crop dust.


JayWir3d t1_jeegq4f wrote

I mean, to this day I still go "Oh, a cameraman reporting the news! Would be a shame if I didn't inconspicuously walk past..."


spitfiiree t1_jef3n80 wrote

I would do this too at amusement parks but I would just stand there and smile or pretend I’m laughing at a joke


LETS_MAKE_IT_AWKWARD t1_jefbuxk wrote

Whenever I’m in public and I notice someone in front of me taking a selfie, I will stare straight into the camera and smile. A nice little easter egg for them to discover later.


SSBeavo t1_jefen1b wrote

Any time a stranger asks me to take a photo of them I flip their camera and take a weird photo of my face first without them noticing. I hand the camera back, say you’re welcome, and walk away before they have time to realize it. This is my thing. I always wonder what they think when they discover I left them a strange photo of my face. I probably did this 20 times when I lasted visited Europe.


Independent_Cap_8984 t1_jef8r0m wrote

I did this all the time as well. I can't imagine how many photos I have been in because of this.


R3DLOTU5 t1_jedwczt wrote

On my honeymoon, I photobombed every family i saw taking photos, one day at Universal studios.

I have no doubt I'm in their photos.


mister-ferguson t1_jeesfuj wrote

I saw this guy photo bombing people at Universal Studios so I photo bombed him too. Photo bomb inception!


Trollercoaster101 t1_jedxmpq wrote

The thing about living in an hyperconnected and hypermediatic world is that you have a good chance to randomly be in someone else's vacation or party videos/pictures, possibly shared over the internet or social networks. Your face will always be there in someone else's memories and you'll never know.


Throwaway_97534 t1_jef695m wrote

I always hoped that things like Google face detection would help with this until all the privacy concerns hit.

Vacationing somewhere? "Hey can you take our picture?" They snap with their own phone and go on their way. You pull it up later via face detection from their Google Photos.

"Hey Google, pull up all the photos that I'm in, from everywhere". Shots of you in the background walking down the street, at the zoo, etc.

Would have been wild.


alpacasarebadsingers t1_jeeawvl wrote

Back in the days of film cameras when you had to wait until it was developed to see what you got, I had gone to Versailles. I took a picture of the gardens from the top of the stairs. Apparently some Asian tourist was standing about 20 feet away looking directly at me. He was absolutely centered in the frame and it looked like I was taking a picture of him. Everyone asked who he was. I ended up putting the picture at the front of the photos album and writing an in memorium for my fictitious Asian friend.


OutrageousStrength91 t1_jee8anz wrote

Years ago my friend and I took a trip to San Francisco where my friend used to live. One afternoon we decided to stop into this nice little pub for a cocktail. I took the opportunity to snap a picture of my friend. A few days later my friend took me to meet his friend Ed who lived a couple of miles away. I showed Ed the pictures I had taken on the trip. When we came to the picture from the bar, we noticed Ed in the background, through the window, walking by.


Columbus43219 t1_jeeg65s wrote

I was walking out of the Columbus Zoo and saw a HUGE Indian family getting a picture, and i did a big photo bomb as I went behind. Then I realized I worked with the guy taking the picture.

I stopped and offered to take the picture so he could be in it. The I took a few good pics and erased the one I was in.


richard-bingham t1_jee5wrb wrote

I always try and get in the background of selfies, and pull a face if possible too


starion832000 t1_jee8sf4 wrote

It's possible that this comment floats around the Internet so often it's part of the background


ContactIcy3963 t1_jeeatlg wrote

Interestingly and pleasantly, some missing persons were found as a result of this


Alfiy_wolf t1_jedvvxy wrote

I know I am many Asian peoples actually, I was once doing CPR display for children in a park (Army spent a day with the kids) and this Asian family took a photo right in front of us


Offamylawn t1_jees1v8 wrote

I'm in the foreground in a few. Attended a friend's family reunion. They put me in the picture up front to confuse everyone who wasn't there. I also took a kid to his family reunion while I was his caseworker. We were not the same race. They put me in the picture, too. Again, they thought it would be hilarious years later to try to figure out who I was related to. I got a family t-shirt at that one. Still have it.


MissTakenID t1_jeeungt wrote

Seinfeld had an episode like that where George was in his boss' picture and he stole the photo and tried to edit himself out.


Sss_mithy t1_jedy5qx wrote

I 100% know I am in many many random peoples photos, I used to both work at a tourist trap restaurant where I would constantly photo bomb pictures and did character work at a major theme park and that alone would put me in thousands of people's pictures, which is kinda weird


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jedue6e wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


three-sense t1_jee7zl4 wrote

Watch the vsauce video on Coincidences if you want to crap yourself regarding this


Oxygene13 t1_jeefxpk wrote

So I met my wife when we were both 30. We had never met before, that we remember, yet we both lived in the same small town, spent time with our parents when we were kids at the same places and parks, had the same friends right after school, went to the same pubs and clubs with those friends, and yet we never met. I scour the background of her family videos and photos, and her clubbing pictures, looking for myself in the background hanging out with the same people lol. Drives me nuts.


sdemat t1_jeekrrg wrote

I’m probably in the background of someone’s TikTok at animal kingdom, giving them a dirty look while they did some stupid dance in front of the tree of life.


ryancementhead t1_jeelski wrote

Was at the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood and I would purposely stand behind a big group of tourists and be in their shot.


doggness53 t1_jeeoy4p wrote

Oh no, looking all stupid with my double chin and weird nose and such


MajoredInPhilosophy t1_jeerwfo wrote

Ok, OP, thanks for posting this because I’ve had a question for a few days and didn’t know the best outlet to ask. Google sent a marketing email about their “Magic Eraser” tool in their photo app that removes background clutter, including people. I feel like that’s wrong—do we need to make everything perfect? Can’t there be some blemishes?


SamaroR t1_jeeu1ug wrote

I always look at the camera and smile if perform an accidental photo bomb.


archetypeamnesias t1_jeev8o1 wrote

It is also possible that someone I know is professor chaos. Chances are never 0%


BobBelcher2021 t1_jeevijr wrote

A friend of mine was dating someone about a decade ago, and she discovered a photo of him from when they were kids, she was in the background of the photo. They were from the same general area but went to different public schools.


The_Quibbler t1_jeevnf2 wrote

When you die, you get the scrapbook back with your missing socks and lighters.


ccx941 t1_jef09yv wrote

I know I am. Standing in line in Vegas to get into a show the family in front of me was all picture happy.

After about the 5th camera flash and me turning away, I started making faces and putting ✌️bunny ears behind the kids.

It wasn’t a digital camera. They printed those up and saw.


anon_e_mous9669 t1_jef0f7p wrote

I'm pretty freaking tall (6'6) so yeah, I'm probably in 10,000 pictures with my head somewhere in the background.


battlelevel t1_jef1b7y wrote

I rented a hotel room with a couple of friends when we were finished high school. Sometime during the evening I realized that I had forgotten my bathing suit. Given that I was a dumb kid, I figured I’d just swim in my boxers. While I was taking the elevator down, it stopped and a bride and her wedding party got on. When we got to the lobby, there were dozens of people waiting to take pictures of the bride and bridesmaids. I don’t think they counted on some random mostly-naked teen in the background.


NegativeAd1432 t1_jef3b65 wrote

Once upon a time in the early days of YouTube, my friend sent me a “Hot Girl Fails” video compilation or some such. One of the clips was at a music festival, with a girl rolling around on the ground being a total spaz. Then I casually walk across the frame, stepping around her, giving her what is probably the most WTF look I’ve ever given a person.


dr4gonr1der t1_jef3n2x wrote

I actually met the person who I’m in the background of. I was getting lessons to learn how to swim, and upon “graduation”, I accidentally ended up in the background of a photo of another person, who I years later met, at high school


Gorkymalorki t1_jef42kw wrote

I get season passes to Six Flags every year and make it a point to get in other people's family photos while bending over to tie my shoe.


Im_Not_That_Smart_ t1_jef5fm3 wrote

If I’m asked to take a picture for someone, I also will take one selfie for funsies


SailorGohan t1_jef85jc wrote

Yes, I've lived in NYC. After a few weeks you don't have time to stay out of the background of people taking forever to take a picture and just walk behind them with no fucks given. Also I seen cameras out and always wonder what indie film/documentaries I might be in the background of.


ShapingTormance t1_jef8ph9 wrote

I definitely am. I accidentally went to the wrong wedding. I only knew the groom, the wedding was in a National Park, but his was at the arboretum and I went to the chapel instead, where there was another wedding at the same time. There were about 20 people there, and I sat by the aisle. A photographer took a lot of pictures of the bride walking down the aisle.


daisy_belle1313 t1_jefb4gv wrote

I am!!! I've been in the background of people's Christmas cards before! Dancing with someone.


Ba_Sing_Saint t1_jefcisk wrote

I worked in a theme park in my late teens early twenties. I would constantly photo bomb peoples pictures. Never anything obscene. Just me in the background waving with a huge stupid grin on my face. I must have done it thousands of times.


DominusEbad t1_jefcxpv wrote

My cousin (lived in TX) and his wife (lived in OK) found an old picture of him with her in the background in Las Vegas a couple of years before they met.


GeraldBWilsonJr t1_jefd1rk wrote

You gotta be out somewhere sometime for that to happen though


AgrajagTheProlonged t1_jefe0vl wrote

When I was a senior in high school, I was captain of our quiz bowl team (I can confirm I may be a slight nerd), and we lost in the local championship to our rivals. There may be a couple of us on the back row of the champion’s photos from that year because they weren’t paying attention


TheMisterTango t1_jefejir wrote

I used to work at a bowling alley as a party host, I am almost guaranteed to be in the background of dozens of pictures and videos.


knudude t1_jeffvrk wrote

A childhood/school ex-friend of mine got married. At the wedding reception, which I was not invited to or attended, the family there said I was in every picture with him showing on their life video because I was the only one who ever took pictures with him.

...can't stand that ex-friend.


boots311 t1_jefgvcl wrote

When I was a senior in high school, every 4/20 people would pack Farrand field on the CU campus & all get high at 4:20. 1000s of people before legalization. Cops were there just to make sure things went smoothly as they couldn't stop us all. It was a tradition. Anyways the following summer after freshman year in college. Some of my college friends were visiting in my home town with my home town friends. One girl had a picture framed of all of us smoking weed that previous year in high school. My college friend picked it up & there she was in the background, smoking weed with her high school friends! It was a total mind trip. Who knew a year later those strangers in the background would end up being lifelong friends.


Oblivion-014 t1_jefhedx wrote

Wellllll now I'll be thinking about this for the rest of my life 🙃


cazmantis t1_jefhvw8 wrote

Well I'm definitely in the background of the couple's photo who I photobombed at a gig a few nights ago. I don't think they noticed at the time :-)


Scootzmagootz t1_jefokfg wrote

I’m probably in quite a few. Went on a tour in China and got held up in the Forbidden City for about 45 minutes when a line formed of people taking pictures with me and randomly giving me their babies to take a picture with. Was odd, but our guide said it’s not uncommon to happen from time to time when a foreigner looks uniquely different. I guess being 6’4” and having long blue hair was what drew people that day.


ccbayes t1_jefoqb6 wrote

No. I never went anywhere as a kid, we were dirt poor. As an adult, I do not leave the house unless it is the grocery pick up. So, while the chance is not 0% it is really close to that.


sid1979 t1_jefpnwm wrote

I was once in the background of a pic a guy clicked, who later shared that pic on whatsapp story and was friend of my one friend. She saw his story and sent me the ss of it. I had no idea who the guy was but what a small world man.


Up_words t1_jefojgz wrote

This gets posted about once every two or three days in here and it still get upvotes. Mind boggling.


AdeptExamination2017 t1_jee1btb wrote

Does that mean if I go to their house and ask for money they should give it to me since I’m family?
