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theAshWhisperer t1_jdn1auh wrote

One of my cats does the "sit/lay-on-what-the-people-are-doing" thing. It's fine. HOWEVER, you gotta watch put for the team up. She knocks pieces on the floor, where my rabbit completely consumes them. I have a few puzzles with 5+ missing pieces....


soupybiscuit t1_jdpxqzx wrote

Aw this makes me miss my rabbits. I had one that would play hide-and-seek by hiding behind someone’s foot, thinking we couldn’t see him. His name was Snowball and he was a lop bunny. I hope your rabbit is doing well and sans puzzle pieces now.


theAshWhisperer t1_jdracq5 wrote

Rabbits are the best. He's doing great, hanging out under the papasan chair (his "warren")