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Daftpunksluggage t1_jdmmcsr wrote

Having no cat and no capacity to complete a puzzle... I think that's it is not a 1 to 1


littlemju t1_jdmvysc wrote

My cat sleeps on my lap while I work on jigsaws, and doesn't seem interested in them when I leave them on the table. But if I drop a piece, that's fair game :)


theAshWhisperer t1_jdn1auh wrote

One of my cats does the "sit/lay-on-what-the-people-are-doing" thing. It's fine. HOWEVER, you gotta watch put for the team up. She knocks pieces on the floor, where my rabbit completely consumes them. I have a few puzzles with 5+ missing pieces....


soupybiscuit t1_jdpxqzx wrote

Aw this makes me miss my rabbits. I had one that would play hide-and-seek by hiding behind someone’s foot, thinking we couldn’t see him. His name was Snowball and he was a lop bunny. I hope your rabbit is doing well and sans puzzle pieces now.


theAshWhisperer t1_jdracq5 wrote

Rabbits are the best. He's doing great, hanging out under the papasan chair (his "warren")


Dobber16 t1_jdmyay5 wrote

I have a no-cat work room, but if I didn’t you’d be right for my case


YouMakeMeDrink t1_jdo7b6a wrote

Had a cat all my life and finished many jigsaw puzzles. I think maybe you are the one to blame.


just-why_ t1_jdo9kmh wrote

Digital puzzles help, but they can still mess you up if a paw touches your screen.


michkbrady2 t1_jdovcg5 wrote

Have a cat and watch other people doing jigsaws online ... simples!


Regular_Method8444 t1_jdp1ecl wrote

My cat took out about 1/3 of my in progress 2000 piece puzzle recently. I was pissed.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jdmib5p wrote

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SandpaperForThought t1_jdnlm7g wrote

I'll take the jigsaw. It doesn't walk on every surface in my house with bacteria riddled paws


buchoops37 t1_jdnnzmq wrote

My cat could not care less about the pieces...or human food for that matter. The only danger to the puzzle is his tail when he walks back and forth. He will brush past our legs over and over, and his tail gets a bit excited.


soupybiscuit t1_jdpxt4j wrote

My cat will do Zoomies and knock over everything in sight. No way I could do it, but it depends on the cat. A really chill, lazy, and older cat probably wouldn’t care too much.