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I-Am-Polaris OP t1_iu2ghya wrote

Nah I'll just keep eating steak and burgers, it's the moral man's meat


TimmehJ t1_iu2o23d wrote

You better not murder any lettuce or onions while you're at it, you monster


CousinDerylHickson t1_iu33cjz wrote

I eat meat, but did you know cows have best friends, they play, and are curious?


VeganGlitter t1_iu2k09q wrote

"Nah I'll just keep eating steak and burgers, it's the moral man's meat."
And that's why you have bad morals. You support rape, torture, and murder to innocent beings. What is moral about that?


groovy_giraffe t1_iu2m2vx wrote

Aren’t all those human concepts? How can you apply them to animals? How is projecting our concepts onto an unwitting being moral?


GenPhallus t1_iu2p9v9 wrote

Animals definitely torture and rape (which falls in the torture category)

Ducks, cats, chimpanzees, dolphins, orcas. Play with their food, harass other animals for fun, spite, and I believe some species of ape have been observed having wars between families. I wanna say the word is "troop" for a group of apes.

And many animals definitely are somewhat aware of themselves. We've taught apes sign language, taught dogs and cats to communicate with sound boards. Just a matter of helping them make the connections.

Vegans would have a much easier time converting people if they weren't assholes about it, because they do have some solid points. I'm cool with plant based and other cruelty free options. If we can find a way to mimic burgers and steaks consistently at a similar or lower price point I'd happily give them up for good.


VeganGlitter t1_iu311tv wrote

Animals do not even scratch the surface of the amount of torture and rape done to other species. You making that kind of statement is like saying there is a glass of water in the ocean. Humans rape, torture, and murder animals systematically by the thousands every second. There is a VERY big difference. All animals have consciousness the same as humans. All feel pain and suffering just like humans. So if you make that distinction of apes, cats, and dogs having similar attributes to humans, then you would have to make the same connection for all other animals as well.
I find it sad that people actually believe that Vegans are assholes when Vegans are defending rape, torture, and murder of innocent beings, and the other is advocating their right to do so. Absolutely insane, but that's the norm for most of the world. Like, how brainwashed the human species is to reality is just sad.
At what cost is life? An animal takes more input than growing plants.


I-Am-Polaris OP t1_iu3v3pv wrote

Holy wall of texts, this is hilarious lmao


VeganGlitter t1_iu5dxmn wrote

I find it sad that you think this kind of discussion is "hilarious."


I-Am-Polaris OP t1_iu5fz4l wrote

Still funny as shit, I jokingly made a post I figured would be downvoted and ignored, now there's a massive war thats still going


618smartguy t1_iu4n6bn wrote

They are reffering to the actions of humans, so no I don't think you are applying human morals to animals.

Imagine if I said it's immoral to vandalize public property. That's applying moral standards to humans. Not projecting them onto inanimate public property.


VeganGlitter t1_iu5ayax wrote

What? I don't get what you mean. I apply human morals to animals? Is rape, torture, and murder to ANY being actually moral? What is your definition of moral murder? And I wouldn't say your example of vandalism works. It doesn't affect animals the same way my statement does. Nor does vandalism happen on the same scale.


618smartguy t1_iu6mzl6 wrote

>What? I don't get what you mean. I apply human morals to animals? Is rape, torture, and murder to ANY being actually moral?

Applying morals about killing things to a human is applying human morals to humans. That's my point. Other guy is on some nonsense about applying morals to non humans, as if you are telling a lion not to hunt.

>And I wouldn't say your example of vandalism works. It doesn't affect animals the same way my statement does. Nor does vandalism happen on the same scale.

It's an example of applying human morals to humans even though the thing being acted on isn't a human. It's not supposed to have anything to do with animals.


VeganGlitter t1_iu2zpxy wrote

That was a very broad statement. What do you mean aren't all those human concepts? Humans are animals. How can I apply what to animals? Do you really believe an animal is unwitting in knowing it's going to be killed? Do you really believe an animal is unwitting having its baby being taken away from it after it's born? Surely you can't put such labels as "unwitting" on an animal.