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koozy407 t1_iufm3b8 wrote

Did you know the minimum wage for servers is 2.13 an hour? That is why they count on tips. The system Sucks


TheCrotchyDoll t1_iufm7p5 wrote

If you are willing to work for 2.18 an hour you support the system.


OfCourseIKnowHim t1_iug1jzl wrote

False. The tipped minimum wage exists as a wage deduction allowance that restaurants are able to take out of their tipped workers’ wages. The federal maximum deduction under these rules is $5.12. The federal minimum wage is $7.25, and this is how we arrive at the $2.13/hr hourly rate for tipped workers. Employers are required to pay at least federal minimum wage, but as long as they can show in their records that your tips are making up for that $5.12/hr deduction, all they have to pay you is $2.13/hr.

The last time the federal minimum wage for tipped workers was changed was 1991. As early as 2011, I was working with people who were born into the system. They’re not buying into or supporting anything. It’s been foisted onto them by the people who made the rules: their parents’ generation.

ETA: Tips don’t exist to make up for the low hourly wages. The wage deduction (or tip credit as it’s also called) exists because tipping is so commonplace. A lot of people don’t understand that very fine point.


koozy407 t1_iufmc08 wrote

Sometimes in small rural areas server jobs are all there is. So judge mental.


TheCrotchyDoll t1_iufmnjk wrote

I judge as I see fit. If you don't have the drive to get out of a system that pays you that less, that is your problem not mine.


koozy407 t1_iufmr5l wrote

Lmao this dude solving poverty. Just get the drive to get out of the system. Gotta go tell everyone!!!


TheCrotchyDoll t1_iufn01n wrote

It's what you make out of yourself. When I got out of prison I had nothing and busted my ass up to where I am today so yea, tell me more about what poverty means.


BrandonLang OP t1_iufms1f wrote

You’d make more money panhandling


koozy407 t1_iufmwwy wrote

I could make more money sucking dick doesn’t mean I’m going to. Who would want to be a lazy panhandler?


Ordinary-Bathroom-26 t1_iuhn2ud wrote

It is not judgemental whatsoever it’s a fact and it’s reality 🤦‍♂️ choose to work for $2.18 an hour and you’re supporting the stupid ass system that’s designed to exploit you… it makes no difference if it’s your only choice.


wraith5 t1_iufrzwt wrote

If you're willing to go out to eat then you support the system. So please explain how the server is the one in the wrong


TheCrotchyDoll t1_iufsjh9 wrote

Nobody said that the server is the problem alone but as long as people are willing to work for that ridiculous amount of salery the system won't change. A restaurant / bar lives with its staff, if they'd all refuse to work for that money, what do you think is going to happen?


emmadonelsense t1_iufww1f wrote

They’d restaff with people willing to work for low wages + tips.


TheCrotchyDoll t1_iufwy0s wrote

AND THIS IS EXACTLY THE PROBLEM! people are willing to work for that ridiculous amount of money in the first place.


emmadonelsense t1_iufy7x4 wrote

Yes, because North America is a society that tips people for services, especially in the food and beverage industries. In order for anything to actually change, tipping would have to be outlawed, and restaurant and bar owners would have to be legally forced to provide their staff with a living wage. The average waiter/waitress, bartender can’t change our entire system on their own. And your notion of a staff just refusing to put up with the system is ridiculous. Those people would be replaced and the system wouldn’t change. I actually enjoyed my time bartending, I worked weekends and made more money than I needed if I had a regular 9-5 all week. There are pros and cons to tipping. Sometimes I think we should get rid of it and sometimes I don’t. But thinking any regular server is going to sacrifice themselves in protest to our system is a bit silly.


koozy407 t1_iuh5too wrote

Because people need to fucking eat. Not everyone has the luxury to wait for that perfect paying job. Get your head out of your ass.


TheCrotchyDoll t1_iuh5wv2 wrote

How is my decision going out to eat responsible for your decision taking a underpaid job?


koozy407 t1_iuh5zk4 wrote

Huh? No one said you were responsible? I said people take the job because they need to eat as in PAY THEIR BILLS. Then I said get your head out of your ass which I still stand by


Lockett4HOF t1_iujp58x wrote

Don't even listen to this guy, just some criminal who has no idea what it's like to actually work I this world


Ordinary-Bathroom-26 t1_iuhnk34 wrote

Man get out of here with that bullshit there’s so many jobs right now it’s even fucking funny and nobody to work them , literally more jobs than there are people.