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TheMurku t1_iujgjss wrote

I played Everquest back in the day, with 22 million players worldwide. My guild had Australian, Japanese, American and various flavored European players. I lived in the UK.

An expansion came out and I browsed a game shop near where I worked to look for it.

Turns out the guy who worked in that store who struck up a conversation with me was the half-elf ranger I had just befriended in-game.

Crazy 1 in 6 billion chance.


makvalley t1_iuk0vg4 wrote

Not 1 in 22 million?


Zalarien t1_iukavxt wrote

6 billion people in the word.

Edit: Evequest released in 1999, the same year the human population reached 6 billion. The interaction he is talking about took place many years ago, hence why they said "...back in the day."

With this information in mind I'd guess this story probably took place in the early to mid 2000s hence why they said "Crazy 1 in 6 billion chance."


Regnes t1_iuk80yf wrote

In 2005 I liked to use the IGN Legend of Zelda forums to discuss/hype the upcoming release of Twilight Princess. I was chatting with some random on the social off-topic thread and name dropped my small city, turned out he lived there, and going further down the rabbit hole we turned out to be classmates 1 year apart. I even asked him some obscure things only somebody who went to my school knows, it was legit.


Sgt_Gen_BuddyDudeguy t1_iuk8nx9 wrote

I met someone in Path Of Exile who not only lived in the same city as me, but had the same first name. Small world some times I guess.


Neither_Name_3516 t1_iuk698r wrote

Was playing CoD BO3 maybe 2 years ago? Anyways, ended up meeting a guy in game chat in a Domination lobby. We were friends for a while but lost contact over time. Throughout talking i discovered he lived about 15 min drive away from me, and was friends with some people I knew at a different high school. The coincidence of that for such a dead game blew my mind entirely.


jonny24eh t1_iukaau5 wrote

There's a very low chance of that if you don't play online games


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