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MisterFistYourSister t1_iuf6014 wrote

He's not gonna get married. He's secretly gay and doesn't want it to affect his career, so he is overcompensating.


JimMorrisonFuckedMe t1_iuftuif wrote

Is there some sort of proof to this theory?

Not doubting you, but I've never heard it before, only Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Brad Pitt...


Couldnotbehelpd t1_iuga7fn wrote

I have read commenters say this vociferously on several comments, and as a gay who thinks everyone is gay (Hi Bradley cooper! I see you!) I don’t see it at all.


JimMorrisonFuckedMe t1_iuh9u02 wrote


Well, my gaydar is shit, so I'm always surprised when somebody comes out. But yes, Bradley Cooper would be a nice addition. Rami Malek would be the crown jewel, for me at least lol.


itsrealbattle t1_iufyb31 wrote

I always figured Leo and Pete Davidson were just doing the same trick Finch does in the first American Pie.


Searchingforgoodnews t1_iug469b wrote

Similar rumor about Ryan Seacrest. Personally I don't care but a lot of people do I guess. Wasn't Anderson Cooper straight for a long time, then boom he's gay. Or does he identify as bisexual?


unhcasey t1_iug6iof wrote

Or as I like to call it…”The Kenny Chesney.”


Billionairess t1_iugeamd wrote

Or a simple explanation is that he doesnt wanna get tied down to 1 woman? Marriage isnt for everyone, rich or poor.


Randys_Spooky_Ghost t1_iufhomj wrote

Twist, because he died in the Atlantic, and in California, and in South Africa.


WasabiHairy t1_iug884a wrote

You need to be married to be a widow. These babies don’t count. Only Kate wins let has enough time in to make a claim.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iudum82 wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


biff_jordan t1_iugej2j wrote

She could be born. She's just under 25 and not married to him yet.


ki7sune t1_iugcg8g wrote

This isn't a shower thought. It's speculative and boring. Who knows how he will be in 30 years or if he'll even live to a certain age. Nobody gives a fuck what Leo does when he's not in front of a camera. Only like 1 in 5 posts seem to be actual shower thoughts. The rest are lazy tweets basically or an admission that you never thought past the surface of something. /rant


MistakeMaker1234 t1_iuesp54 wrote

This ain’t clever, and people think way too much about people who don’t think about them at all.


awsamation t1_iuf4h9b wrote

Was this intentionally ironic? Or is that just a bonus?


SilasMarner77 OP t1_iuf4kym wrote

I thought it was a line from a movie lol


awsamation t1_iuf5rcq wrote

It very well could be, I don't know.

I just know that it's kinda ironic to complain about people spending their time "thinking about someone who's won't think about them", and do it on a post from a person who has never thought about the complainer.


AnAquaticOwl t1_iuffq6p wrote

Well I can at least say with confidence that DiCaprio spends more time thinking about me than I do him.