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sadbutmakeyousmile t1_iuhtlpt wrote

Dude get out of my head. I will hold on to it coz that bitch said sonething to me in fifth grade. I will let it impact my life and daily decisions.


Forehead_Target t1_iuhzb9u wrote

You joke, (I hope) but my grandmother actually did this. She talked about some petty slight someone gave her when she was 7ish until she died when she was 91. She was a miserable, miserable woman.


sadbutmakeyousmile t1_iuib29z wrote

You hope is wrong my friend it actually happened to me. Now coz ya told me a story I will tell mine to you.

According to my mom I was the most handsome kid. I genuinely used to believe that and beam with confidence everyday at school.

Then one day our drama club was having some play, and the 10th and 12th graders who were like the heads of the drama club came asking for someone to play the role of a younger kid.

I was so confident I raised my hand immediately, then this girl who had come, who was a long member of the club and teachers favourite said to me , looking straight in the eye with an expression of disgust-"Have you seen your face". I still remember her look, since that day, I have been told more than once that I am good looking , have nice features yada yada through my life but NEVER, NEVER will I ever believe even one of them. I judge and push away anyone who tries to make me feel better about myself. I will probably live like this till my old age.

But I will not be an angry old man. I help people who suffer from similar stuff like me, I pull them out of their misery or help them feel 100 times better about themselves. But I will not, cannot pull myself out.