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poobearcatbomber t1_iu4q0b5 wrote

I get the joke but depression is really telling you that everything is not ok.

We weren't meant to work, eat, sleep and die. We were meant to get stronger, learn, fuck and pass to those traits on so humanity can evolve.

Capitalism is stunting evolution


Nijajjuiy88 t1_iu4r9xa wrote

> We were meant to get stronger, learn, fuck and pass to those traits on so humanity can evolve.

Which we are doing if you look at it from the bigger scale. I think of different cells which were stronger individually but then evolved to form a multi cellular organism losing their individuality and each cell losing one of their strengths. Meanwhile the organism is strong, complex with a lot of specialties.

Capitalism is ripping us of our individuality because it is not efficient.


MinerMinecrafter t1_iu4u71w wrote

Actually multi celled organisms are weak af


Nijajjuiy88 t1_iu4uojt wrote

I meant the second strong as in one which is more efficient and is able to survive in different environments than a single cell would have.


MinerMinecrafter t1_iu4uu1d wrote

Bacteria especially are resilient fucks


Nijajjuiy88 t1_iu4xwro wrote

Yeah but they cant do what we can. They are evolved and have adapted to their niche, and if changes occur they undergo slow process of evolution. We the humans may not be as resilient. We have outpaced the need for evolution, we adapt our environment for us rather than the other way around.

That was my point, we may be weaker as individuals but as a species? we are the strongest and are only getting stronger. Although our civilization wont progress at some point in future because it came at the expense of our nature :{.


JCPRuckus t1_iu5fvl3 wrote

>That was my point, we may be weaker as individuals but as a species? we are the strongest and are only getting stronger. :{.

"Although our civilization wont progress at some point in future will soon collapse, if it isn't already in the early stages of collapsing, because it came at the expense of our nature" - FTFY


Nijajjuiy88 t1_iu5ihsx wrote

Yeah collapse of civilization is not the end of it, Humanity wont end it. If we collapse we will rise again maybe it will take 1000s of years. I am talking at the time scale of millions of years of evolution. We have risen out of harsher climate than what's coming.


JCPRuckus t1_iu5lcut wrote

>Yeah collapse of civilization is not the end of it, Humanity wont end it. If we collapse we will rise again maybe it will take 1000s of years. I am talking at the time scale of millions of years of evolution. We have risen out of harsher climate than what's coming.

We've already mined all of the easy stuff to build this advanced civilization. It's not going to be so easy to do it a second time without the "low hanging fruit" available.


poobearcatbomber t1_iu4rz9i wrote

What the fuck are you talking about? Haha

Individuality and abstract thinking created every single piece of technology we have. Abstract thinking's brought fire out of the wildness into a home for heat. Individuality brought electricity.

Capitalism? Capitalism brought mass genocide, religion, famine, and slave labor. All capitalism has done is exploit advancement for money. Do you realize how much further along we'd be if the $2 trillion dollars every year we spend on bombing each other was put towards fusion energy or ai?


Nijajjuiy88 t1_iu4tqfp wrote

Calm down I was just giving an analogy like you were.

I was saying if you look at the global scare, we are getting stronger, we are learning and adapting at a pace never seen before and we are passing on the genes, genes which would have died out before now can survive and contribute to humanity.

I disagree with your assertion that individuality brought technology. It was the communication and humans' way of co-ordinating together to adapt and pass on the information. We survived literally because of our community and social relationships not because of individuality.

I never denied capitalism did not do that, and I am not sure why you mentioned it since majority of comment barely mentioned capitalism.


_Blackstar t1_iu4s2nw wrote

How do you know what we were meant to do? For all any of us know humans were created by aliens as replacement bodies for their big, psychic brains and they're just waiting until we unlock the other 90% of our brains so they can swoop down on us and begin the harvest.


poobearcatbomber t1_iu4sfn6 wrote

Because we know what drives humans through studies. We know what we're biologically drawn towards.

By meant, I mean what our bodies are programmed for. Who programmed them and for what use? Who fucking knows.


_Blackstar t1_iu4trb7 wrote

Are we though? When people want to get married, have kids, and live that white picket fence dream... How much of that is biological programming and how much of that is social programming?

I love to bang, but I've never knocked anyone up and I'm about to go in for the snip so I don't have to. And it seems that more and more people with the mind set are starting pop up.

Humans have sex for pleasure, for emotional support and stability, for validation, etc. To say we were built up work a certain way, when there's so many humans that are the exception and not the rule, seems incorrect to me. I believe we've already evolved past the point of species propagation for survival, there's no need to carry on one's genes when billions of others are already doing it.


poobearcatbomber t1_iu4xo4r wrote

People aren't having kids anymore because it's expensive, and quality of life is declining.

If everyone had everything they needed including time, a lot more people would be having kids. Pleasure is what interests us in sex, but offspring is what drives our biology. Baby fever, ya know?


JCPRuckus t1_iu5gx70 wrote

>I love to bang, but I've never knocked anyone up and I'm about to go in for the snip so I don't have to. And it seems that more and more people with the mind set are starting pop up.

You're not supposed to be able to prevent pregnancy. Your "loving to bang" is supposed to lead to a pregnancy, whether you intend one or not.

>Humans have sex for pleasure, for emotional support and stability, for validation, etc.

All of those good feelings are, again, supposed to lead to pregnancy, which we could not reliably prevent when we were evolving into modern humans.

>I believe we've already evolved past the point of species propagation for survival, there's no need to carry on one's genes when billions of others are already doing it.

Until everyone decides that and no one reproduces... Tragedy of the commons... That's exactly why we evolved to enjoy sex so much, so that we'd accidentally keep having kids even if this idea came into our heads.


_Blackstar t1_iu5mxrf wrote

> Until everyone decides that and no one reproduces...

I don't see that happening, and even if it did, then would that be us unprogramming or being reprogrammed a different way?

My entire point is, I don't think humans have one set way of doing things and I don't think our purpose is simply to multiply. Sure from a biological standpoint that's how it was in the past. But going back to the hypothetical aliens made us argument, who's to say biological propagation (the desire to fuck and to be a parent) wasn't just a stepping stone to get us to a point where we're supposed to do something greater with the gift of life?

Now I'm not saying that IS the case either, just pointing out that as it stands, we're too insignificant and ignorant to say definitively as OP put, "what you're really here for."

Nobody knows what we're here for, and that's what makes studying our history, our genetics, our own minds, and the universe we inhabit so much fun.


JCPRuckus t1_iu6klt6 wrote

>My entire point is, I don't think humans have one set way of doing things and I don't think our purpose is simply to multiply. Sure from a biological standpoint that's how it was in the past. But going back to the hypothetical aliens made us argument, who's to say biological propagation (the desire to fuck and to be a parent) wasn't just a stepping stone to get us to a point where we're supposed to do something greater with the gift of life?

>Now I'm not saying that IS the case either, just pointing out that as it stands, we're too insignificant and ignorant to say definitively as OP put, "what you're really here for."

>Nobody knows what we're here for, and that's what makes studying our history, our genetics, our own minds, and the universe we inhabit so much fun.

Until everyone decides that and no one reproduces...

We can't live transcended beyond procreation, because once we stop procreating we go extinct.

If you meditate long enough, once you start starving in earnest you'll probably start seeing some really transcendent hallucinations before you drop dead. Maybe that's the only true pathway to heaven/eternal bliss... But I'm not going to try it. And I'll bet you're not going to try it. So maybe we should slow down on suggesting that all of humanity should do the rough equivalent as a species.

If I wanted to live by bad metaphysical musings, I'd pick a major religion. At least those generally aren't explicitly aimed at annihilation of humanity.