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MinerMinecrafter t1_iu4u71w wrote

Actually multi celled organisms are weak af


Nijajjuiy88 t1_iu4uojt wrote

I meant the second strong as in one which is more efficient and is able to survive in different environments than a single cell would have.


MinerMinecrafter t1_iu4uu1d wrote

Bacteria especially are resilient fucks


Nijajjuiy88 t1_iu4xwro wrote

Yeah but they cant do what we can. They are evolved and have adapted to their niche, and if changes occur they undergo slow process of evolution. We the humans may not be as resilient. We have outpaced the need for evolution, we adapt our environment for us rather than the other way around.

That was my point, we may be weaker as individuals but as a species? we are the strongest and are only getting stronger. Although our civilization wont progress at some point in future because it came at the expense of our nature :{.


JCPRuckus t1_iu5fvl3 wrote

>That was my point, we may be weaker as individuals but as a species? we are the strongest and are only getting stronger. :{.

"Although our civilization wont progress at some point in future will soon collapse, if it isn't already in the early stages of collapsing, because it came at the expense of our nature" - FTFY


Nijajjuiy88 t1_iu5ihsx wrote

Yeah collapse of civilization is not the end of it, Humanity wont end it. If we collapse we will rise again maybe it will take 1000s of years. I am talking at the time scale of millions of years of evolution. We have risen out of harsher climate than what's coming.


JCPRuckus t1_iu5lcut wrote

>Yeah collapse of civilization is not the end of it, Humanity wont end it. If we collapse we will rise again maybe it will take 1000s of years. I am talking at the time scale of millions of years of evolution. We have risen out of harsher climate than what's coming.

We've already mined all of the easy stuff to build this advanced civilization. It's not going to be so easy to do it a second time without the "low hanging fruit" available.