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PrinceHarming t1_iuiffpu wrote

I think mosquitos and other humans are neck and neck for most hated species.


I_P_L t1_iujv8qm wrote

I disagree, humans typically do still feel positive emotions to at least one other human.

Mosquitoes on the other hand....


RTooDeeTo t1_iujxa3z wrote

Mosquitos annoy me for a season of the year, humans annoy me the year round, at least for me humans is winning the race to most hated species


Fast_Garlic_5639 t1_iujc6r3 wrote

Ticks might just be up there. Like I'll try to kill a mosquito if it's trapped with me, but I'll make damn sure any tick I caught a glimpse of doesn't exist regardless of environment


Sorry_Site_3739 t1_iuis58g wrote

I’d argue humans hated by humans is a contestant for that one.


wonderbat3 t1_iujz2s0 wrote

Mosquitos and humans are natural enemies. Like ticks and humans. Or roaches and humans. Or humans and other humans.


langschiff t1_iujn9ra wrote

It’s gotta be the bedbug.

True, mosquitos/malaria have killed untold millions, but when your average person sees a mosquito buzzing around, they just get annoyed. Anyone who has ever had to deal with bedbugs hates those little bastards with a the heat of a million suns.


BagOfToenails t1_iuixk6i wrote

I haven't seen a mosquito in years. Suddenly I'm staying in a hotel in Madeira and there's this one fucking mosquito that keeps being a little buzzing dickhead while I'm trying to sleep, or just watch a YouTube video. It's reignited my hatred for them, get rid of them.


wcw59 t1_iujqijw wrote

Yellow Jackets are the worst. If one stings you you can count on the others. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to abandon my lawn mower when I run over the entrance to their nest. They are relentless.


debby821 t1_iujf9qi wrote

Well I dont hate them. I have a super power... I am resistent to their bites. If they bite me I dont get a bump on my skin so I dont care if they bite me because it doesn't really hurt. So... If it was up to me... Mosquitos can stay... Wasps have to go :p


ariasujung t1_iuj45ln wrote

To be fair is second most dangerous species for humans, first being humans.


kazmosis t1_iujt83t wrote

Bed bugs. People who have never had to deal with bed bugs will say mosquitos


digitalhelix84 t1_iujg4rb wrote

I agree it causes the most suffering. But I think when confronted out in the world, people act with much more disdain for spiders, and scorpions, and snakes.


Okdotay t1_iujsazm wrote

Mosquitos are annoying and easily killable. Bed bugs are a terminator bug that are very aggressive at getting to you and very difficult to get rid of. I’m still paranoid of getting them again years later.


monk-bewear t1_iuk0by6 wrote

I don't particularly hate mosquitos. They are so tiny they feel insignificant. Wasps on the other hand...


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prairieintrovert t1_iujkh1h wrote

There is no species that has killed more humans than mosquitos. Malaria dude.


tonyfavio t1_iujp0or wrote

Well, there is a reason - mosquitos killed more people than any other animal. The second place - people!


Aetheldrake t1_iujqszb wrote

There is no species more universally grateful for mosquitos than spiders and/or frogs?


Oldgatorwrestler t1_iuk29wn wrote

They have also killed more people than any other animal on earth combined.


Rileyr028 t1_iujnxuk wrote

i hate humans far more than i hate mosquitos, and everyone i know could say the same


Stillchildish t1_iuj33v0 wrote

I think spiders are also hated a lot. Well they're not that annoying but they definitely are universally hated.


HolyCadaver t1_iujkiy0 wrote

Don't you put that evil on spiders, they're just cool little dudes doing their part silently, and keeping homes free of pests!


--eRa--- t1_iujo3uw wrote

..and yet we are much more proficient at killing each other than mosquitos


KmartQuality t1_iujz3k2 wrote

Death by mosquito is an occasional by-product of their reproductive needs. Death by hand is a completely conscious and deliberate affair.


--eRa--- t1_iuk27uh wrote

That's a straw man fallacy in all it's sidetrack glory.

I'm not talking about choice , nore is the post.. so what's your point?

Ohh and malaria is one of the oldest and deadliest diseases in the world, although probably just as old as murder and humanity invests a lot more time, resources, energy and most. of all money into killing each rather than fixing the 'occasional' 680,000 malaria deaths per year.