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redrunrerun t1_iu7cuhv wrote

awful day today, been working my ass off every single day at a hospital and my supervisor just gave me the most offensive feedback, it’s not in line with what i perceive of my performance at all and i always try to keep an eye of how i can do better, right now im feeling like a pushover just because im pretty upset and don’t feel ready to deal with this dumpster fire yet. i just feel so underappreciated and im so drained, but i love what i do. it sucks.


CheckMateFluff t1_iu8857s wrote

Hey, listen, I'm sorry that happened. We do the best we can with what we know, and when we know better, we do better. If you believe you did your best, that's all you can do. I'm proud of you if that counts.


crlamy440 t1_iub0g5q wrote

proud of you too! you did your best everyday and you just can't please everyone so be easy on yourself