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RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu99ubz wrote

Not everyone wants/likes boob jobs, commenter. Same with fake dicks. You shouldn't have to change yourself surgically to be with someone.


DroidScribe t1_iu9aiqn wrote

Again, I wholeheartedly agree. But also you should respect other people's right to be superficial and not whine about it. Especially if you're lucky for someone to actually honestly admit they're leaving someone due to aesthetic qualms.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9ewoz wrote

Oh I completely accept it, and I've dumped both men and women for these reasons and worse. We can be as superficial as we want and I have been many times. I don't think many of the people commenting here understand that something can be terrible but still be fine. I didn't say "don't dump someone for having small tits" I said "hey dumping someone for this thing is equally as shitty as this thing", because I don't think most people realize it. You say something is bad, and everyone assumes you're saying not to do it.


DroidScribe t1_iu9fyhc wrote

Gotcha. And I agree. I mostly disagree with the implication that boob and dick size are factors that cannot be altered. They can. I also think altering your appearance to stay in a relationship with a shallow significant other is ridiculous and not worth it. You should acknowledge their right to be shallow and send them on their merry way. Somewhere there is a person who likes your dick and/or boobs just the way they are.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9hd8b wrote

Exactly! I usually don't even consider changing yourself surgically to be with someone, because if they're leaving you over this than you've clearly already decided not to change these things about yourself and they are being incredibly shallow and hurting that persons feelings. But alas, oh well! You'll both find better people. I had just never heard someone treat leaving a woman for her boob size the same as leaving a man for the size of his dick, and the realization hit me while I was on reddit.


PM_ur_Rump t1_iu9afix wrote

Why the fuck would you want to be with someone that shallow?

That's called "doing you a favor" or "dodging a bullet."

>You must be very young.


DroidScribe t1_iu9eel2 wrote

I wouldn't, many other people wouldn't. I'm sure as many people out there who would. And it's not your job to stop 'em. Or mine. Or anyone's. If people want to get together or break up for superficial reasons it's entirely their business and anyone who preaches about how it's wrong must be very salty and in need of a hug.


PM_ur_Rump t1_iu9fmg8 wrote

That's.....a weird take on what I said, lol.

OP seems to be the type to be worried about being dumped for superficial reasons. Not the type to get into a relationship for superficial reasons.

I was telling them that a person dumping them or not dating them at all for not getting body parts surgically enhanced is a good thing for them.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9f5r6 wrote

I assume they must be young because they don't seem to understand that something can be both bad and perfectly fine to do. Shitty/wrong are not mutually exclusive when it comes to dumping someone. There is no wrong reason to dump someone, but there are terrible reasons to do it. I've said it too many times throughout this thread so I'm not saying it again.


PM_ur_Rump t1_iu9g0cx wrote

Not bad, just wrong, not wrong, just bad.

Did I get it?


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9gwev wrote

Yep! Seems when you say something is bad, most assume you're saying not to do it at all. Even though I never said this!