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Livid-Desk4653 t1_iu9fqt9 wrote

I’ve given up on relationships for this reason, to much info maybe but it feels as though six inches is not enough for anyone nowadays, I even had my first girlfriend roast me in front of everyone to the point where I was a running joke to everyone her friends and mine, can’t even maintain an erection anymore. So I can say that yes it is very shitty to leave someone over a body parts size, if you must don’t tell them ffs just be on your way.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9gh0g wrote

Exactly! It's incredibly hurtful to the person being dumped for it. I've been left for the same reason! Tmi but we're about the same lol. What nobody seems to get is that while it's a shitty thing to do, it's also perfectly fine because that person isn't happy. Roasting them however, is not okay in the slightest. That's just a fucked up thing to do.