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DeaddyRuxpin t1_iu97r2l wrote

I’ve never understood why people complain about any reasons being shitty reasons to break off a relationship. Bottom line, if you want to end a relationship it is because you are not happy in that relationship. The reasons you are not happy are irrelevant. No one should remain in a relationship where they are not happy.


Aerith_Gainsborough_ t1_iu9e3vs wrote

>Bottom line, if you want to end a relationship it is because you are not happy in that relationship.

I am not happy my gf doesn't like meat, I guess is time to dump her.



DeaddyRuxpin t1_iu9hmx1 wrote

I know you are being sarcastic but yes if her not eating meat upsets you to the point that you no longer want to be in a relationship with her then yes you should dump her. The alternative is to stick it out in a relationship you don’t want to be in and let resentment and anger grow making both you and her more and more miserable until you inevitably end it anyway years later.


Fleaslayer t1_iu9i6s7 wrote

Seriously, if her not liking meat bothered you enough (like, you love BBQ and she won't go to a BBQ place), sure, nothing shitty about it. Unfortunate, maybe.

I agree with the other person: if something about your partner really makes you unhappy, you have every right to end it with them. If you do that over trivial stuff, you're going to be lonely, but you aren't obligated to be in a relationship with anyone.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu98fur wrote

I don't know why you decided to say this


DeaddyRuxpin t1_iu98vvh wrote

Because you said it is a shitty reason to break up with someone because of breast or penis size. I was saying no, it isn’t a shitty reason. If someone is not attracted to or not sexually fulfilled with their partner to the point they don’t want to be in a relationship then they should end the relationship. Basically there are no shitty reasons to end a relationship. If someone is unhappy and doesn’t want to be in the relationship any more, they should end it and move on rather than drag it out and make both their’s and their partner’s life slowly worse and more miserable.


Pandamonium-23 t1_iu9cvjf wrote

There’s a difference between leaving someone because you’re unsatisfied and leaving someone because you think you found something better, don’t be asinine


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu99mug wrote

You must be very young.

Of course there are shitty reasons to end a relationship. I don't think you realize that something can be equally shitty and perfectly fine to do. Not everything we do is going to be sunshine and roses, but our own personal happiness is more important than anyone else's. So yes, you can dump someone for any reason, but that doesn't make it not shitty. Just like if you're married to someone for 20 years and they are involved in an accident that covers their entire face in burns, rendering them hideous. If you then leave them because you do not find them attractive anymore due to burns they cannot control, that is an incredibly shitty thing to do, but yes you can still do it if you aren't happy with an ugly partner.

You don't just get to shrug off any and all guilt because "muh happiness". If you're gonna be that shallow and dump someone for superficial reasons, then accept that it's shitty and move on.


Mai_man t1_iu9bkka wrote

You do get to just shrug it off. You are not responsible for anybody's happiness. If you are unhappy, move on. The fact that a person's is making the choice to move on and not drag out a situation that will spiral into miserable existence means they made a good choice. Maybe you're the one who "must be very young" and by young, I mean lacking in experience. Because after a point, your age number correlates much less with life experience.


UntrueOmara t1_iu9cb8q wrote

you are literally saying you should be unhappy in a relationship if its due to something they cant control? do i have that right?


Pandamonium-23 t1_iu9dvg9 wrote

No, you’re misunderstanding the point op is making. If someone is unhappy in a relationship then they should leave regardless, op never even mentioned this tho. You’re assuming the person is unhappy with current boob or dick size when that’s not what they said


UntrueOmara t1_iu9e7g0 wrote

if they are unhappy in a relationship due to a factor neither party can control then you should stay in it. thats literally the argument. sure its superficial to leave due to a factor like dick size. but are you really expected to spend the rest of your life dissatisfied?


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9ea9a wrote

Man it's like you read the entire comment and didn't actually comprehend any of it, lol. Do I have that right?


Fleaslayer t1_iu9iwfb wrote

>You must be very young.

I'm 60 and that was my first assumption about you. I agree with the other person: you should never feel obligated to be in a relationship that doesn't make you happy, with the caveat that if you get married, you're making a commitment.

As far as dating or gf/bf go though, the more immature thing is to feel like you have to stay with someone when you aren't happy, regardless of what it is that is making you unhappy.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iuhu5mp wrote

I'm sorry, that as very rude. Allow me to rephrase.

I completely agree with you, and always have. I never said you should stay with these people. If you are truly unhappy, always leave. There are few reasons good enough to stay with someone you are superficially unhappy with. My argument stems from a discussion I had with my wife and best friend. Often time, women brush off leaving a man for another man just because he has a larger penis as play and as if it does not hurt the man being left, or they callously believe it does not matter if they hurt his feelings. Yet simultaneously, it appears that when a man leaves a woman because the woman has larger beasts, it's a crime and they can never believe someone would do this. My point was that both superficial reasons for leaving someone are awful, not that it should not be done. It seems many are unable to separate something being shitty and something being wrong. Just because it's awful doesn't make it wrong. Many seem to want to see everything they do in a positive light and that is just not the case here.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iuhoiyd wrote

Then you definitely do not show your age with your wisdom or reading comprehension.


DeaddyRuxpin t1_iu9j4rl wrote

You missed the entire point of what I said. Let’s start with you can throw any reason or example you want out there and my point will remain because it isn’t about the reason, it is about being unhappy in a relationship to the point you want to end it. If you are at that point, regardless if it is because your partner has started raping and eating babies or because your partner cut their hair in a way that bothers you, if you have reached a point where you are unhappy enough to want to end the relationship then you should end it. The alternative is to stick it out and be let your resentment and anger grow and fester and make both your and their lives miserable until you inevitably end it anyway or one of you dies.

Does any of the above mean your partner decided to microwave fish and now you are annoyed the house smells like fish so you should break up? No, not even close. Because, and I’ll say this again because you totally missed it, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the reason and everything to do with no longer wanting to be in a relationship with that person.

There are no shitty reasons to end a relationship, there are just shitty relationships that should have been ended but weren’t because someone was told there are shitty reasons so now they hate every day of their life stuck in a relationship that doesn’t make them happy.


wilbur111 t1_iu9ap4t wrote

Except I would wonder how she already knew he had a bigger dick... whereas everyone can see she has bigger boobs.


amBoringGuy t1_iu97yi8 wrote

I disagree. The equivalent of a girl leaving her boyfriend for a guy with a bigger dick would be a guy leaving his girlfriend for a girl with a smaller pussy.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu98nib wrote

Nah. I've never heard of guys wanting a girl "with a smaller pussy". A tighter one, sure. But that can be achieved with exercise. You can't grow a bigger dick in the gym.


nopefoffprettyplease t1_iu9ek6w wrote

I agree that they are equally shitty but i disagree that they are the same.

Bigger boobs are more about aesthetics/visual attraction.

Bigger dick is more about sexual pleasure/the idea of sexual pleasure.


If you aren't sexually attracted to someone, of course it is your right to leave or not date the person. But if you date someone and then leave them specifically because of these reasons, you are an a-hole.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9g4yp wrote

Your last two sentences: exactly! Thank you for being literally the first one to get it!


Livid-Desk4653 t1_iu9fqt9 wrote

I’ve given up on relationships for this reason, to much info maybe but it feels as though six inches is not enough for anyone nowadays, I even had my first girlfriend roast me in front of everyone to the point where I was a running joke to everyone her friends and mine, can’t even maintain an erection anymore. So I can say that yes it is very shitty to leave someone over a body parts size, if you must don’t tell them ffs just be on your way.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9gh0g wrote

Exactly! It's incredibly hurtful to the person being dumped for it. I've been left for the same reason! Tmi but we're about the same lol. What nobody seems to get is that while it's a shitty thing to do, it's also perfectly fine because that person isn't happy. Roasting them however, is not okay in the slightest. That's just a fucked up thing to do.


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the-silver-tuna t1_iu9cpbk wrote

I don’t like when people imply that only things we can control are valid flaws. There are a lot of things people are attracted to and it doesn’t matter if they can control it or not. There are plenty of uncontrollable things that are still valid criticisms.


Autisthrowaway304 t1_iu990jc wrote

> as the person with the smaller boobs/dick cannot control their size.

Boob jobs are a thing OP.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu99ubz wrote

Not everyone wants/likes boob jobs, commenter. Same with fake dicks. You shouldn't have to change yourself surgically to be with someone.


DroidScribe t1_iu9aiqn wrote

Again, I wholeheartedly agree. But also you should respect other people's right to be superficial and not whine about it. Especially if you're lucky for someone to actually honestly admit they're leaving someone due to aesthetic qualms.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9ewoz wrote

Oh I completely accept it, and I've dumped both men and women for these reasons and worse. We can be as superficial as we want and I have been many times. I don't think many of the people commenting here understand that something can be terrible but still be fine. I didn't say "don't dump someone for having small tits" I said "hey dumping someone for this thing is equally as shitty as this thing", because I don't think most people realize it. You say something is bad, and everyone assumes you're saying not to do it.


DroidScribe t1_iu9fyhc wrote

Gotcha. And I agree. I mostly disagree with the implication that boob and dick size are factors that cannot be altered. They can. I also think altering your appearance to stay in a relationship with a shallow significant other is ridiculous and not worth it. You should acknowledge their right to be shallow and send them on their merry way. Somewhere there is a person who likes your dick and/or boobs just the way they are.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9hd8b wrote

Exactly! I usually don't even consider changing yourself surgically to be with someone, because if they're leaving you over this than you've clearly already decided not to change these things about yourself and they are being incredibly shallow and hurting that persons feelings. But alas, oh well! You'll both find better people. I had just never heard someone treat leaving a woman for her boob size the same as leaving a man for the size of his dick, and the realization hit me while I was on reddit.


PM_ur_Rump t1_iu9afix wrote

Why the fuck would you want to be with someone that shallow?

That's called "doing you a favor" or "dodging a bullet."

>You must be very young.


DroidScribe t1_iu9eel2 wrote

I wouldn't, many other people wouldn't. I'm sure as many people out there who would. And it's not your job to stop 'em. Or mine. Or anyone's. If people want to get together or break up for superficial reasons it's entirely their business and anyone who preaches about how it's wrong must be very salty and in need of a hug.


PM_ur_Rump t1_iu9fmg8 wrote

That's.....a weird take on what I said, lol.

OP seems to be the type to be worried about being dumped for superficial reasons. Not the type to get into a relationship for superficial reasons.

I was telling them that a person dumping them or not dating them at all for not getting body parts surgically enhanced is a good thing for them.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9f5r6 wrote

I assume they must be young because they don't seem to understand that something can be both bad and perfectly fine to do. Shitty/wrong are not mutually exclusive when it comes to dumping someone. There is no wrong reason to dump someone, but there are terrible reasons to do it. I've said it too many times throughout this thread so I'm not saying it again.


PM_ur_Rump t1_iu9g0cx wrote

Not bad, just wrong, not wrong, just bad.

Did I get it?


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu9gwev wrote

Yep! Seems when you say something is bad, most assume you're saying not to do it at all. Even though I never said this!


DroidScribe t1_iu99eo2 wrote

Agreed. Dicks can also be enhanced surgically.


Autisthrowaway304 t1_iu9avjw wrote

> Dicks can also be enhanced surgically.

Not really, dick extensions are ultra risky, dont do that much and are unreliable.


DroidScribe t1_iu9b1q6 wrote

Oh I'm not arguing it's a total shit show of an idea, just saying it's a thing that exists.


RagdollEnthusiast t1_iu99x9y wrote

So anybody should have to alter themselves surgically to be with someone? Got it.


[deleted] OP t1_iu9a955 wrote



RagdollEnthusiast t1_iuhuy0k wrote

I don't even consider the ability to physically change yourself in this way to be honest. Especially not in this context. As you would no doubt agree, if someone is already leaving someone over this they have clearly decided not to surgically alter themselves. Yet it appears people cannot abide their actions being cast in a negative light, nor can they seem to stomach that something they do for their own good may be seen poorly. These actions do reflect poorly on the character of those performing them, but yes, they are still perfectly fine to do. My point was entirely missed but this ain't a sub for opinions, so it's since be deleted and retracted.


bekilledoff t1_iu9cz7u wrote

Sexual compatibility is entirely subjective to the two people involved. If they are not compatible then it makes sense to end it.

There's a whole chapter of the Kama Sutra about compatibility between people based on their genitalia sizes (here's a short summary). I'm not saying the Sutras are right, but it might give some perspective to notice that people around the world have been aware of the importance of sexual compatibility for thousands of years.

Long story short: men and women come with different sizes of junk and compatibility does matter. There's someone for everyone, but not anyone can be with anyone - even guys with huge cocks get turned down for being too big sometimes, too.


Altruistic_Ad6189 t1_iu9cxun wrote

Disagree. Breast enlargement is a thing. Dick enlargement is not. Also, dick size has to do with sensation during regular penetrative sex, while boobs don't unless you are titty fucking.
