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Arthur__Dunger t1_iuca6rm wrote

Yes, but don’t worry about them, you need to kick out the squatters in your own mind!


MeatSack5027206209 t1_iucj6hf wrote

Nah, having people on your thoughts is part of the human experience. If you are able to fully not concern yourself with others... you're not human.

Or better yet that's probably some sign of baseline depressive apathy.


Hcysntmf t1_iud785e wrote

But squatter suggests they’re the ones you don’t want there. They never said thinking about people is wrong.

For me a ‘squatter’ is a friend that hurt me badly so I’ve cut out - the damage was done and I have moved on to the point it doesn’t evoke an emotional response thinking about her but I need to actually stop giving a fuck what she’s up to or rehashing even the good memories. I’m glad she was part of my life and human experience but that time has passed, so should her ability to take up space of my thoughts.


gugfitufi t1_iucwkqc wrote

Someone lives in my head because I know I live in theirs. That shit fucks with me and I hope I'll be over it soon.