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Malfrum t1_iu6c79n wrote

This is exactly how it was with my grandmother. It was like her mind was unmoored in time. Some days she would be confused because she thought I should be a little kid; other days, she mistook me for a friend of hers she hadn't seen since the 50's


justinbl4ck t1_iu6cs0b wrote

Yep, that's him. He thinks my wife(his daughter) is his wife. He thinks my oldest son is his oldest son often.


schmales t1_iu6flao wrote

My grandmother is the same, I look exactly like my mom but with red hair and she asked me the other day when I dyed my hair and if I was still dating [my dad].


Viltris t1_iu6fqzg wrote

You've inspired me to start a journal. The cover of the journal will say "You probably have dementia. Read this to help you remember all your loved ones."

Demented me will probably look at the journal and be like "What is this nonsense" and throw it away though...