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Gnostic_Gnocchi OP t1_iues1co wrote

I’m actually not familiar with this concept. What is the trade off here?


Telrom_1 t1_iueyv4y wrote

The mining, usage and disposal of batteries creates a forever contamination of our water tables in the form of metals.

Most modern societies get their metal contamination from handling batteries. Making them bigger and more accessible will create an unprecedented environmental disaster. We have far less fresh water than we do atmosphere. EVs are just as bad if not worse for the environment than internal combustion vehicles.


waffles-n-gravy t1_iuessob wrote

Some random dude on tictok probably said batteries bad mmkay and some people just go with it


Thebadfish843 t1_iuetjk3 wrote

Imagine thinking exhaust from a car is “killing our planet” while also being SUPER blasé’ about landfills piled to the moon with hazardous metal waste and plastic. I don’t even believe that you idiots know what comes out of your mouths. You’re all just used to repeating things you hear from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC and becoming immediately opposed to anything that a Republican likes. The epitome of retardation….


waffles-n-gravy t1_iueukv9 wrote

Who still pays for cable? Anyways, it really doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong since neither of us are in a position for our opinions to change anything anyways. The world will go whatever direction the wealthy take it. For good or bad. Its really too bad some of you jump straight into name calling tho, but it makes you feel better I guess.


Thebadfish843 t1_iuevywh wrote

Meh, I guess when you make a comment like “battery bad, mkay,” like we’re all idiot cavemen grunting at a tv, you carry the burden of every other asshole that thinks they’re smarter than the guy who literally puts rockets in space. Greta Thunberg is your biggest climate ambassador and even she says nuclear energy is better than both gas and other form of renewable energy, but that doesn’t matter right now, because you’re focused on bashing Elon Musk because you can’t hide behind lies anymore…those of us who are sick of hearing make believe shit and are forced to play pretend with morons are pretty goddamn fed up. You’re probably a real cool dude, though.