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i_do_like_farts t1_itqcimn wrote

Yeah, don't you remember when we were all invited to Robin Williams' su***de? Seriously, what's wrong with this sub lately?


mcshadypants t1_itqgnj5 wrote

Everybody dies alone unless something really bad happened where you die in fear with other people.


Karl_Eleventh_XII t1_itqkfsw wrote

This place used to be more fun.


mcshadypants t1_itqllda wrote

I don't really recall this sub being for inspirational quotes. I always thought it was for more like epiphanies that people have about things that people don't normally connect the dots on.


Karl_Eleventh_XII t1_itqno8o wrote

You think this was an inspirational quote. Thank you so much. I just thought it was a shower thought.


mcshadypants t1_itqpvzo wrote

Well I obviously didn't think it was figurative, had to be a metaphor for something. Not exactly sure what though haha


Karl_Eleventh_XII t1_itqtln1 wrote

You know now that Norm died we're not gonna get more jokes about Louis Pasteur? Like that guy killed bugs in milk, but death has killed another joke in gasbay.


HowerTwo t1_itqhtdn wrote

Oh look, someone that has never been depressed in their life, not understanding that someone can be in a room full of people, but completely fucking alone. Fuck off.


Karl_Eleventh_XII t1_itqkahm wrote

12 years ago I actually had it so bad that I took the amount of pills I thought would kill me. What ensued was coma and pneumonia. Funny thing is that after I "survived" they gave me the same meds and I doubled that first try. And look at where that got me.

Damnit you people will downvote anything. Even the person who took the pills.


literally_pee t1_ittm98s wrote

that's quite tragic, sorry to hear that, I'm glad you recovered and are doing well.

But that has little to do with the post.


RED_wards t1_itqkrij wrote

Makes me wonder if it'd be acceptable to boo at a comedian's funeral?


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_itqbxrl wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


Showerthoughts-ModTeam t1_ittqwcz wrote

Personal perspectives, crazy ideas, questions (rhetorical or otherwise) and meta submissions are not showerthoughts.