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Rawesome16 t1_iy5dier wrote

Runs out of ink, take the cartridge out, it's shorter by one pen tip

Edit : or clicky pens. Tip comes in and out


Boatwhistle t1_iy5oyg0 wrote

I glue a stick to a pen to make a long pen with a custom wooden shaft.


Rawesome16 t1_iy61ky8 wrote

But the tip is part of the pen, yes?

Ultimately this depends on what we are calling a pen. Ink also or no?

And if it no ink, I used to have a pen my dad got me (he was a pen nerd) that was small and your pulled it apart in the middle to make the ink area fine out. So it went from 2-3 inches long to 3-4 inches long. Granted that's the only pen like that I've ever seen


Loverboy21 t1_iy7cs56 wrote

Gotta trim quill pens unless you have metal nibs.

So at the very least, incredibly niche, ancient writing methods do include pens which slowly shrink over time... sometimes.