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TooManySteves2 t1_ixu9yi4 wrote

Depends on how you define "smart". People can be intelligent but have poor memory.


Sir_Q_L8 t1_ixuh6iy wrote

And memory can be super selective! I have a photographic memory which helps immensely with my job but if I watch a movie or tv show I cannot recall details, names, much of the scenarios taking place. I find tv so boring that it usually just puts me to sleep. But if I have walked through a room and you ask me where such and such is located I can tell you exactly where it is/was.

I think that’s why they say something something about judging a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree…


QutieLuvsQuails t1_ixuc1yb wrote

A lot of intelligence involves deductive reasoning. You can have a kickass memory but not be able to solve a puzzle that requires logic.


Bierbart12 t1_ixuetnk wrote

You can also be able to solve every logic puzzle easily but forget why you entered a room or.. what important tasks you needed to do every hour. Also the names of most people in your life


Quiet_Green_40 t1_ixucfdr wrote

One must also have the ability to apply and use the information. I know very smart people who can't work.


MoonFlowerDaisy t1_ixud8eo wrote

It really depends how you define smart. You can have high iq but executive dysfunction, so you can solve super complex problems really easily but forget to grab your school bag on the way out the door.


Dr0110111001101111 t1_ixudvpi wrote

Memory helps, but it’s only a factor in intelligence, not the whole story.


QutieLuvsQuails t1_ixuc4iw wrote

If this were true, little kids are the smartest people on the planet. But they aren’t bc they lack self awareness, logical reasoning, etc. My 6yo has so much shit memorized. lol


Tasty-Address9909 t1_ixv14nr wrote

I have a Ph.D. in molecular biotechnology, and I have terrible memory


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_ixu98lp wrote

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Massive_Will_3253 t1_ixwnbw2 wrote

I am continually amazed at how smart I think I am now that I have retired.


Repulsive-Gift-6729 t1_ixxfllc wrote

I think a lot of it comes down to processing speed. If you process twice as fast as another person, you perceive twice as much, respond quicker, etc.