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BUDZ_MONEY t1_iy8du6r wrote

Feel free to steal this I can't get it to post so..

Why are juniors only for men ( Bob Jr ) why do women not have something similar ( Melinda jr )


CokeMooch t1_iy8xl9x wrote

I’m a junior! And it’s funny bc when I was in grade school the teacher asked everyone with junior in their name to raise their hands; so I did and she was like, “Mmm no, generally only boys can be juniors.” I was like okay well I’m named after my mom so wtf.

I later learned the reason but I’ve since forgotten it bc it’s some stupid sexist thing probably. I think it’s something like women generally take their husband’s name, thereby negating the “junior”, and men will always have that name. I could be wrong but it was something like that.


mirroredmezza t1_iy93l9v wrote

yes, and it's typically not a common thing for daughters to be given the full name of their mother, I don't know why. If the girl gets married the "junior" would be negated. "Juniors" share their father's three names, so there needs to be a differentiation for legal purposes. If a girl was given her mother's full three names, would she be regarded as a "junior" until/unless she changed her name?


frzn_dad t1_iy990jc wrote

"Needs" may not be 100% true, as in legally required. My dad and I share all three names I have never been a junior.

He left when I was 5 so it wasn't really a day to day issue growing up.


ConduckKing t1_iy961mj wrote

If you think that's bad, in Arab countries you literally have to take your father's last name, and your middle name is always his first name.