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Shabingly t1_iy4vfyp wrote

But it isn't my choice, is it. It's the retailers and advertisers choice. If it was my choice, with Christmas once a year the run up to Christmas would be 2 weeks before the 25th of December.

But no, I currently have to sit through perfume, aftershave, watch, and jewelry adverts from the middle of October. Every trip anywhere near a shop after the 5th November and I'm assaulted by tinsel, Wizzard, Wham and stop the frigging cavalry.



Aggravating_Sell1086 t1_iy7bk1m wrote

Wow. Some adverts and tinsel, and you can no longer make up your own mind?

There are adverts for summer holidays in the middle of winter - it doesn't destroy my ability to enjoy a cup of cocoa and a snuggle up by the fire.

Maybe stop letting adverts and shop displays dictate your life?


Shabingly t1_iy7clas wrote

I think you're missing the point. They don't dictate my life, but it is impossible for me to avoid it, and I don't like it. Is that clear enough?


Aggravating_Sell1086 t1_iy7hon3 wrote

>They don't dictate my life, but it is impossible for me to avoid it, and I don't like it

Lol - that's literally the definition of dictating your life. Maybe grow up and stop expecting the world to revolve around your inability to think for yourself?

Or you could just do what I do when something is irritating and incessant, and has no bearing on my life. Ignore it - like I'm now going to do to you :)


Shabingly t1_iy7r26p wrote

I think you need to look up the meaning of the words definition, literal and dictating.