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heidismiles t1_iyd9r4w wrote

The point of that saying is that you can save money through your choices, and that leaves you with more money.


WienerCleaner t1_iydqfe0 wrote

Except that if you ever want that item in the future, it will cost more. Buying now is a 7% annual savings which is pretty good.


stumblewiggins t1_iyedtx6 wrote

Unless it goes on sale at a future point and you get it for less than you would have paid originally. It's pedantry all the way down.


BigBobby2016 t1_iyd6ra3 wrote

But you don’t pay taxes on a penny saved, and you can always invest it


AlphaTangoFoxtrt t1_iyegv34 wrote

Not true. A penny saved (not spent) now, is worth a penny earned now.

What it does in the future is irrelevant to the saying.


Alt_dimension_visitr t1_iyetpbt wrote

In that case it's a fucking stupid saying. What good is a penny saved now if I'm going to spend it in 39 minutes.

I have a feeling that's not right.


AlphaTangoFoxtrt t1_iyex0es wrote

Because youre using it wrong. Lets try to rephrase

> If you dont spend the money now, you won't have to earn it later.

It's a phrase about avoiding unnecessary or frivolous expenditures.


Alt_dimension_visitr t1_iyf60n2 wrote

Your rephrase sounds a ton better. I feel like we're all splitting hairs about a phrase. Have a good one


SatanLifeProTips t1_iydwr01 wrote

Because of taxes, a penny saved is a quite a bit more than a penny earned.

Of course, we discontinued the penny years ago. No one would even bend down to pick up a penny anymore.


itskdog t1_iyee78f wrote

US and UK still have the penny.


SatanLifeProTips t1_iyeh1k6 wrote

The US also just got TAP, chip and pin(signature). Canada got chip and pin 20+ years ago and Tap in 2007.

So hopefully by 2047 America realizes that the penny is not worth actually printing anymore.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iyd1xp0 wrote

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ppardee t1_iydqskf wrote

Homie tries to sell you a widget for $2. You say, nah, fam. $1.99. He say, word.

You've saved a penny, which is the same as having earned a penny in that instant because you have the same amount of money as if someone had given you a penny and you bought the widget for $2.

Saving in the context of the quote doesn't mean storing.... although if we're being pedantic, any money not spent is affected by inflation unless you then immediately spend it again and so your point still stands.