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Dumbass1312 t1_iy34a7j wrote

Maybe advantages as well. I wouldn't really get close to a naked stranger, I would flee and that would make him the winner.


Longjohnthepirate t1_iy34i87 wrote

I would be worried my opponent would get horny and it would turn into a horny dog, gtf away type of scenario.


twotall88 t1_iy34jr4 wrote

In a fight, no one cares if you're naked because the lack of clothing wont change you dropping like a sack of potatoes.

If you're not the aggressor, being naked won't stop the person trying to hurt you.

If you are the aggressor, being naked won't stop your victim from either fleeing or defending themselves.


-TheDerpinator- t1_iy34u9a wrote

Oh you better believe agressors get all confused when you suddenly strip down. They care.


D0ctorGamer t1_iy35i9u wrote

In like a military combat setting maybe. But I'm just saying if I square up on a dude and he drops drawers, I'm not ready to fight a psychopath


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sonicjesus t1_iy4s2zx wrote

Yes, but if you want to get out of a fight stripping down completely naked is often a game changer.