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WeCanDoThisCNJ t1_iy130wy wrote

Thinking they were cool and making award-winning movies like “Spartacus” and “Gladiator” about them?


cloudysasquatch t1_iy13v2o wrote

Reality TV is never going away, there will always be an audience willing to watch people do stupid shit for no other reason than they want to


saucyB52 t1_iy146ob wrote

highly doubt it

gladiators risking life itself

whoever u just listed,,,,i didnt see that show


DrSmurfalicious t1_iy1614p wrote

Yeah I'm guessing it's more likely that we'll have reality shows that are about voting on presidential candidates, where those candidates are the exact same type of people you see on today's reality shows (maybe even the exact same individuals), than reality TV going away.


arglarg t1_iy16drq wrote

Doubtful. For reality TV I've always wondered why anyone would watch that, can't say that about Roman gladiators. Reality TV is lame.


StarChild413 t1_iy21ndy wrote

so does that mean we can stop collapse by stopping it or we have to let things play out because rome didn't stop having gladiators