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SpacemanSpiff312 t1_iy2vcs1 wrote

One of them looks cute and doesnt look like any animal of its size that could kill me in a single bite. The other has 8 legs, 8 eyes and looks pretty similar to other species of spider that can fucking kill us.

I'd much rather cuddle the cat


cally1789 t1_iy3csyz wrote

Plus, cats are capable of displaying affection and bonding with us, a spider doesn't work like that.


The_Expidition t1_iy4dtdz wrote

Only the jumping ones


Th3Glutt0n t1_iy4ilg0 wrote

The jumping ones are great friends


Reasonable_Charge531 t1_iy4wxjz wrote

We should do a rebranding campaign. Rebrand "jumping spiders" as "hugging spiders."


EpicSaberCat7771 t1_iy57ceq wrote

I support this. I can't get my mom on board with them for some reason. no matter how adorable they are. only friend shaped spider imo.


agoldilockszone t1_iy6htok wrote

I had a jumping spider end up inside in a small container that had seeds in it moments prior, I popped the lid on so I could finish planting before releasing him outside (yes I was gardening inside - it was brisk outdoors ok) and watching him in there was so interesting.

I got my camera out and took some videos and pictures of him and after assessing his situation in the container and realising he was trapped for the time being, he started taking in the greater surroundings and looking at me and the camera, it was wild. Jumping spiders are so cool! Such inquisitive little guys.


ZombieGroan t1_iy6btkn wrote

Let’s add all the eyes of the babies on its back. Much rather have a mama cat then a mama spider.