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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_ixuvm0a wrote

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Futueteipsum7 t1_ixuwpqw wrote

Does a vacuum “exist” in this sense? Does “darkness”? They are words we use to describe what is essentially an absence of something: but absences of things do describe an actual existing state: it’s just a state defined by absence.


Buck_Thorn t1_ixuycts wrote

Same thing could be said about any hole. A hole in paper, for example.


CtForrestEye t1_ixv4u04 wrote

A hole is the only thing where the more you take away from it, the bigger it gets.


LiveLikeItsTuesday t1_ixv7dv3 wrote

A hole in the ground is really a lack of ground in the ground


[deleted] t1_ixwrz8c wrote

A hole is something that gets bigger when you take stuff from it


thesillysage543 t1_ixxtmwt wrote

No it's defined as a place for something if you fill in a hole you have gotten rid of an absence by placing something inside which therefore means you have no place to for the hole to be filled there for no hole and no way to fill it

"There was a hole here its gone now"


Nenu_unnanu_kada t1_ixy3bgj wrote

The idea of a hole is created and defined by humans, so it exists.


stavtwc t1_ixy6hq8 wrote

This is actually a fundamental insight tied up with the Buddhist ideas of emptiness and no-self.

The useful, valuable part of a pot, or a house, or the hub of a wheel are the 'nothings' at their centers.

Follow the simple idea to its very end and you end up in some very interesting places.