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valuefarted t1_iy9p0cj wrote

Early 2000s technology was awesome, dude. It is what brought us to where we are now.


krezgobop t1_iyb7ka6 wrote

Yeah man… I remember the first time I saw an iPod and it completely blew my mind… it had more storage than my computer and you could take it for a run.


Death_by_Snusnu_vol1 t1_iy9oya2 wrote

You would have too if you came up from when there was none of that


tezoatlipoca t1_iy9ok0c wrote

Dude, my Sears knockoff Walkman took a cassette tape and four AA batteries. We're talking 200' of metallic oxidized tape on cheap plastic spools. That shit was janky AF. But it was our only choice.


CaptainHowdy60 t1_iyb7mxi wrote

Dude remember when CD’s came out? I had a CD Walkman that would skip like crazy. Then they came out with the high tech 10 second delay on a skip or something. These kids don’t know how good they got it…..


tezoatlipoca t1_iyb7ycs wrote

Pfft. Then I got an MP3 discman - six hundred MP3s on a burnt CD. But a 1/8th aux to cassette adapter for my car. :)


CaptainHowdy60 t1_iybar5x wrote

Along with how many viruses downloading all of those bootleg MP3’s from Limewire? Lol


your_Assholiness t1_iy9twjg wrote

Look back at the crap you are using today from 2045. It's just like special effects in movies... the original King Kong scared the hell out of people back then. It was cutting edge! It all looks like crap if you wait long enough.


nowhereman1223 t1_iy9sgol wrote

I miss some of my tech from back then.

Early MP3 players, Discmans with clear on/off buttons and music that you owned and only vanished if you forgot the CD in your friend's stereo?

Video games with full hours long campaigns?

Video games that don't require 4 hour downloads on day 1?

Video games that don't vanish because the developer decided they don't want it on some online store anymore?

Movies that are there once you buy them and don't vanish (physical media) because some new company bought the copyright?


Computers with TURBO buttons?

Modem sounds?

come on, the 2000s were amazing.


Martipar t1_iy9x4da wrote

I hate early MP3 players, my first held 256MB of storage, i know rip to FLAC and that would be too small for one album. I now have 256GB in my phone thanks to the MicroSD card slot and it holds all my music and I don't need to carry around a separate device.


nowhereman1223 t1_iy9znsu wrote

Those things were so fun back then.
Every single one had its own software, own way of doing things. It was an adventure every time.


iRimmIt t1_iy9z3ei wrote

Now tell us how many steps it takes you to start listening to music from your phone


Martipar t1_iya028t wrote

Open music app via a shortcut on the desktop, press play.


lo-fi_chaos t1_iy9ryhe wrote

Style is so relative, like I'm not gonna say you're wrong,but companies spent tons of money to follow design trends, those trends just change over time


iRimmIt t1_iy9pzjr wrote

iPods, were first launched in the early 2000s Kindle E-readers were first created then, and they are literally still the reason all our notebooks and ways of taking notes as well as reading text on screens that take a fraction of the energy of LCD or any other equivalent.

I’d not call the iPod or Kindle E-readers tacky or Janky. They were perfectly executed and revolutionary.


Loverboy21 t1_iyaljb8 wrote

Cassettes were better than CDs, but MP3s were better than both.

Kids born today are going to say exactly the same thing about tech today, you know.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iy9ockk wrote

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Martipar t1_iy9wtz1 wrote

Look here you whippersnapper, wait until 2042 and see how janky current tech looks then. My Sagem MY-C2 may have been utterly useless for anything but texting and calling but it fit into my pocket and I barely noticed it was there. My current phobe is much more capable but i'm sure in 20 years when I have a 256GB terabyte microSD card (or equivalent) in it i'll also consider it to be a relic of a bygone era.


kiraYoahikage t1_iydsfru wrote

I'm sure people in 2040 look back at our pathetic tech and laugh


NoahTheAttacker t1_iy9pdq0 wrote

I was born in 2005 so I don’t have memories of it, but seeing them and the colors they came in, they seem tacky.