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Arganancer t1_j293ns8 wrote

I like this thought, and I'm sorry but I have to say it: "thrives" feels awkward here. I think "makes you thrive" would have been a bit less clunky.


wooyank42 t1_j2947d7 wrote

Maybe they meant “drives”?


parlimentery t1_j29lva3 wrote

My head went to "strive", but I suppose either works. I don't think "thrive" in either usage works, OP is clearly talking about wanting to do something, not being successful.

We are only correcting your usage so you can impress that exceptional SO of yours, OP.


Arganancer t1_j29uh5s wrote

Yeah you're absolutely right. It becomes abundantly clear when you replace "thrive" with one of its synonyms like "prosper" that it doesn't really work either way. Thanks for bringing it up!


Classico42 t1_j2ctcu0 wrote

It's a great sentiment but man, English title gore.