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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j1qfbz8 wrote

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Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

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Cabbagesundkings t1_j1rzbit wrote

Believing a magician is actually doing magic doesnt make it true.

If you think a magician is good it doesnt necessarily mean it is true the magician is good.

Though it is true that you think the magician is good which is also important in certain ways


kvnokvno t1_j1qggp4 wrote

We get more perspectives than ever thanks to our technology, but the room for discussion is narrowing, leaving everyone in their truth


Ooga_Booga_69_420 t1_j1rh21e wrote

In their perspective, which can be highly biased or simply false.

The truth has always been what it is, people's opinions or cultural trends can't change it in any way.