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arlondiluthel t1_j2e9cd0 wrote


Do you not recognize the difference between "let's eat grandma" and "let's eat, grandma"?


Itdidnt_trickle_down t1_j2frh4u wrote

Some people have trouble with the meaning of words and need little crutches to help them. We call these people grammar nazis. We should not stoop to their level though and accept that they have to have these crutches in order to understand and if they are missing they can't only talk about their lack while ignoreing what is being said.


Carlos-In-Charge t1_j2ecih8 wrote

They’re important. They give a little pause, so when you read it, your brain interprets shapes as speech


ClockButTakeOutTheL t1_j2faduo wrote

They’re important. They give a little pause so when you read it your brain interprets shapes as speech

Yeah, it does feel off


Suspicious-Ad6635 t1_j2e9u5b wrote

Well, although not as final and weighty as a period, I still wish more people would learn to use it properly. It does help with the structure and flow of a sentence. Its use or omission won't change the idea being shared, but it can certainly affect the facility and the enjoyment of the reader.


Aggravating-Cod1310 t1_j2fqdrf wrote

Nah. Commas will change the meaning of a sentence more quickly than just about anyone. Some commas won't, but others will. The famous "Eats, shoots, and leaves" line about pandas is the classic illustration of that.


JKolodne t1_j2f0k0i wrote

I never use semicolons. I'm probably wrong not to, but never know when to.


cajaske t1_j2fpcbo wrote

It's quite simple really; just add one to a run-on sentence.


00maxking00 t1_j2ehw2v wrote

There difference between eating your grandma or not so I beg to differ.

Lets eat, grandma!

Lets eat grandma!


throwamarlonwayans t1_j2ehav0 wrote

I think we could do without a few letters. We don’t need a w when we already have u ( can just use this twice for the same affect)


KingoftheMapleTrees t1_j2ejtix wrote

  • I think uue could do uuithout a feuu letters. UUe don't need a w uuhen uue already have u (can just use this tuuice for the same effect)

nassau4 t1_j2f7im9 wrote

Uuolfgang Amadeus Mozart couldnt agree more.


nojustice73 t1_j2fd4hs wrote

You should probably keep your shower thoughts to yourself or let them bake a little longer.

Just sayin'


zenos1337 t1_j2eothv wrote

HAHA! This post is hilarious. What’s even funnier is that this is the least useful showerthought


Kiri_the_Fox t1_j2f9aru wrote

I would say the semi colon is less useful, as by nature it could always be replaced with a period. It's used to string two complete sentences together if the writer deems it necessary to connect them further than just having them together.

At least I think so. Been a hot minute since I was in a writing class


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j2e90us wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


Sharp_Bed_3616 t1_j2eto01 wrote

Commas are pretty useful. Semicolons are also useful, but the world could go on without them. They’re not THAT frequently used or helpful.


[deleted] OP t1_j2emduh wrote



yirzmstrebor t1_j2eo8jt wrote

Nope, that joke is supposed to be about capitalizing letters.

Helping your Uncle Jack off a horse.

Helping your uncle jack off a horse.

No need for a comma in either sentence.


littleike0 t1_j2ffkg9 wrote

Except that’s not an appropriate use of a comma…


EvulRabbit t1_j2fi3xw wrote

Let's eat Grandma! Let's eat. Grandma!

Commas, they save lives.