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libertyordeaaathh t1_j2bcm9a wrote


Yep, it has nothing to do with eons of history developing our bodies to crave calories and goes horde fat.

You sound like a skinny person 🤣😂


TBone925 t1_j2bv3ht wrote

Yeah, and going against that development takes… willpower.


libertyordeaaathh t1_j2c5thb wrote

No it doesn’t actually. Willpower is proven to be ineffective. But nice try. Try learning about affective weight loss. One of the primary means of success is eliminating willpower as the method. But sure, you can stay in 1980 if you prefer.


TBone925 t1_j2c8nfp wrote

I agree theres definitely methods to make weight loss a lot easier, and just eating less is a lot harder and less effective, but at the end of the day changing your lifestyle takes commitment no matter what.

Really cool project with the bed btw, i scrolled past it a while ago and thought it was awesome


Until_observed t1_j2d596s wrote

Any links/key words that can help me search for this? Specifically eliminating willpower as the method.


pizzeroman t1_j2exunx wrote

I had no idea how before I discovered r/fasting, I lost 50 lbs and gained it all back cause I thought I was "done" just lost it all again and this time have plan to do imf, but you're right you are never done


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QutieLuvsQuails t1_j2cu8uc wrote

Yes, and for some people having the willpower is impossible. I have a chronic illness that causes debilitating fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness, along with many other issues. I need like 25 times the willpower to be active and eat healthy versus a normal person.


_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j2coib7 wrote

Most skinny people have health issues or mental issues and rarely is there any a skinny person historically who has done anything of any significat rememberance. Hit me.


Yeoldhomie t1_j2dtx2c wrote

Your moms skinny and she’s fucked like 10,000 dudes, that’s pretty historic.