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The_Frostweaver t1_j27n286 wrote

This is the sort of thinking I think people struggle with. Our brain is subject to physical limitations and those are not going to change. AI on the other hand can be the size of a house with distant power supplies proving endless watts of energy that our human minds cannot compete with.

Yes, right now our brains take advantage of quantum mechanics in ways computers can't but it's only a matter of time before we invent better computers.

It seems inevitable that we will eventually replace ourselves with AI.


The_Sauce106 OP t1_j27orjq wrote

I completely agree, although I would replace “replace” with “evolve past”


Nervous-Masterpiece4 t1_j2cfn0p wrote

It’s not evolution anymore than humans being evolved from apes. AI would become it’s own branch which we would exist alongside for some time.


UlteriorCulture t1_j27wx9g wrote

Even an AI that is not superhuman but operates at the same level as a human will run circles around us. We are only bright in short bursts, heck we aren't even conscious for large chunks of time. A human level AI, grinding away, consistently checking its work, for evey second of the day will leave us in the dust. Let alone several cooperating in parallel.


The_Sauce106 OP t1_j280gsl wrote

Don’t forget there are many things AI can’t do that we can, after all it always takes a human to make an AI


Yeoldhomie t1_j2906r8 wrote

Gotta be space robots, they’d totally figure out how to not freeze in space. Putting my money on space robots.