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wildadragon t1_j22ao47 wrote

It also has to make some amount of sense also probably shouldn't call people disabled. Next when you literally contradict yourself the first reply you made should have told you that you're literally wrong.


Ophiomancy_Xaxax OP t1_j26tgkg wrote

You're such a tool. It wasn't a literal statement, as I've already explained to you. Also, the rules for the posts on this sub literally state that is for things thought of while staring blankly at a wall, and you're in here critiquing me for not having sound formal logical argument, and for having not read a study on hand dominance. Get the fuck outta here. It makes perfect sense. All the people who can't use one hand are disabled, but they instead call the people who have two functional hands "ambidextrous". Then you wanted to nitpick about preference vs aversion and all sorts of other nonsense.

The fact that this post is even up and wasn't removed is testament to the fact that it was sufficiently stupid in the correct way for the sub, which you keep confusing for the American Medical Association sub.