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ThatRandomPersonHere t1_j22z7cm wrote

OP really chose this hill to dig their heels in and die on? Really?


Ophiomancy_Xaxax OP t1_j26xdqm wrote

This place is full of fucking morons. Apparently it's not impossible to decipher the meaning of the thought, because the subs moderators were able to do it successfully. If they'd been as confused as some of these other people, it would have been removed for being a nonsensical statement. I'm obviously not calling the ambidextrous people disabled, although it's become exceptionally clear that I should have written it differently. Still, what the fuck is so hard to grasp about this?

There's a thousand different people with a thousand different nitpicks, and the whole shitload of people who think I'm calling ambidextrous people disabled or saying they don't literally exist. I feel like these people are going to experience their own shower thought and they're going to suddenly realize what the fuck I actually intended to say, not that I haven't written it out a half dozen times at this point.

But I don't understand is why somebody would be lurking in a place specifically designed for mindless thoughts (they actually specify that it's the sort of thought you would get while staring blankly at a wall) and then complain about the quality of the submissions. And I'm supposed to be the idiot, because I think people should be able to use both of their hands.


ThatRandomPersonHere t1_j26zywo wrote

Ya know, most people read posts at a glance, and at first read you sound ablest, calling ambidextrous people disabled. And you being ambidextrous isn't some sort of get-out-of-jail-free card from what you said. You can be discriminatory against the same condition or situation you have. You chose to keep arguing instead of simply making a comment clarifying what you said. I've read most of your responses and you sound like a jackass. You're arguing when you could be doing something a lot more productive with your time. And calling non-ambidextrous people disabled is going to trigger negative responses. People don't like being called disabled, especially for a perfectly normal thing, genius. Disabled is considered a dirty word most of the time, and you kept digging your grave by repeating it.


Ophiomancy_Xaxax OP t1_j2bmmzo wrote

I made comments clarifying everything in literally my first comment, and in something like a dozen or so comments after that, directly responding to nearly everybody to clarify -- lengthy responses, too.

if somebody wants to take me as uncharitably as possible, and continue to do so even after I engage with them to clear up whatever misconception they may have had about my words or intention, (like thinking I called a guy a lying masturbator as some kind of bizarre puritanical insult and not merely a joke about a guy who is admittedly hunting and pecking his message out with his left hand), and after I say I could have written it more clearly to have avoided the confusion etc., these are not people acting in good faith.

I explained until I was blue in the face, and not a single person said "oh I see", not because the explanation didn't make sense, but because a downvoting mob of imbeciles before them found it more entertaining to believe that I was making any number of nonsensical statements than to understand those explanations.

So fine, I'm a jackass, but I'm in really good company. Also, I would be willing to bet you right now that I could wait a couple days, rephrase the initial shower thought, and people would agree with it. "Ambidextrous is the only four-syllable label given to people for not lacking function of an appendage", or something similar. Which is exactly what I was saying, as you damn well know.
Call me a liar or choose to think otherwise, but if the roles were reversed, I would be defending you from intentionally obtuse attacks even if it meant getting a couple downvotes from the clowns in attendance.


ThatRandomPersonHere t1_j2c0il3 wrote

People weren't saying "oh I see," because again you were acting like a jackass. People aren't going to take responses and answers from jackasses. If you reposted it but reworded it, you'd most likely get one of two outcomes: people recognizing the post or your user, or new people would see your post and have their own thoughts. They'd most likely "attack" you for how you worded that because God that title was hard to follow. People are attacking you because you were rude and were calling people disabled and no matter what you say in response, even if you clarify what you said, will change that. People are attacking what could plausibly be deemed as a discriminatory statement. Attitude has a huge effect on how people perceive you and what you say.